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New to Old Street names 1929 - 1945

Old to New
Almost all these changes took place between 1st January 1936 and 1st July 1939
but a few were made at other times during 1929-45

The symbol # indicates that the old name has been abolished and the street incorporated into an existing place name.

Don't forget to check with the 1857 - 1929 list of changes as well as this one.

I have no plans to join my ancestors anytime soon, but when I do the information on this website may disappear. In order that it does not get lost to posterity I have turned all four lists of Street Name Changes into an eBook, which you can download and keep. It contains more entries and the exact year of each change. This and 3 other resources to help find places that disappeared for other reasons are described on the Lost London Streets page.

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New nameDistrictOld name
Abbey MewsN.W.6Albert Mews
Abbey TerraceS.E.2Grove Road
Abbots LaneS.E.1Stoney Lane
Abbot's PlaceN.W.6Abbot's Road
Abbotswell RoadS.E.4Abbotswell Street
Aberavon RoadE.3Frederick Place
Abourne StreetW.9Netley Street
Adams RowW.1Adams Mews
Adderley StreetE.14Gray Street
Addison PlaceW.11Phoenix Place
Adelaide AvenueS.E.4Adelaide Road
Adelaide Close (part)N.W.3Adelaide Place
Adelaide Close (part)N.W.3Upper Avenue Road Mews
Adelaide GroveW.12Adelaide Road
Adelina Grove #E.1Cottage Place
Adeline PlaceW.C.1Caroline Street
Adenmore RoadS.E.6Station Road
Admiral StreetS.E.8Seymour Street
Agar GroveN.W.1St. Paul's Road
Ainsworth RoadE.9St. Thomas's Road
Alba PlaceW.11Albion Place
Albemarle WayE.C.1Albemarle Street
Albert DriveS.W.19Albert Road
Albert GardensE.1Albert Square
Albert Terrace MewsN.W.1Albert Mews
Alberta CottagesS.W.11Albert Cottages
Albion AvenueS.W.8Albion Road
Albion CloseW.2Albion Mews (W. part)
Albion MewsW.2Albion Mews (E. part)
Albion WayS.E.13Albion Road
Albyn Road #S.E.8St. John's Road
Alders CourtE.C.1Ball Court
Aldersgate Street #E.C.1Vine Yard
Aldred StreetS.E.17Aldred Road
Alexandra DriveS.E.19Alexandra Road
Alexandra GroveN.4Alexandra Road
Alford PlaceN.1Edmond's Place
Alfreda StreetS.W.11Alfred Street
Alfred's CloseE.C.1Alfred's Place (Paul's Alley)
Alie Street (part)E.1Great Alie Street
Alie Street (part)E.1Little Alie Street
All Hallows CourtE.C.3Church Passage
All Hallows PlaceS.E.1Victoria Place (Union Street)
Allcroft PassageN.W.5Langford Mews
Allen Edwards RoadS.W.8Devonshire Road
Allenbury StreetE.2Primrose Street
Allgood StreetE.2Henrietta Street
Allingham StreetN.1William Street, St. Peter's Street
Allington RoadS.W.2Allington Street
Allington StreetS.W.1Brewer Street
Allitsen RoadN.W.8Henry Street
Alloway RoadE.3Gainsborough Road
Alma GroveS.E.1Alma Road
Alpha CloseN.W.1Alpha Road
Alpha GroveE.14Alpha Road
Alsen CottagesN.7Smith's Cottages
Alsen PlaceN.7Middlesex Street
Amberley GroveS.E.26Amberley Road
Amos CourtE.1Church Court
Ampton PlaceW.C.1Frederick Place
Amwell Street #E.C.1Rosoman Street (N. part)
Andrews CrosseW.C.2Crown Court, Chancery Lane
Andsell TerraceW.8St. Alban's Road North
Angel WalkW.6Angel Road
Angela StreetE.2Crescent Place (part)
Angrave TerraceE.8Belgrave Terrace
Ann's CloseS.W.1Ann's Place
Ann's CottagesE.15Ann's Place
Antrobus StreetS.W.1Rutland Street
Apollo PlaceS.W.10Davis Place
Apostle RoadE.3St. Thomas's Road
Apothecary StreetE.C.4Union Street
Apsley Street #E.1Silver Street
Arbutus StreetE.8Acton Street
Archery CloseW.2Connaught Square Mews
Arctic StreetN.W.5Franklin Street
Argyle Street #W.C.1Manchester Street (N.W. part)
Argyle WalkW.C.1Argyle Place
Arline TerraceE.2Chapel Street
Arlington AvenueN.1Arlington Street
Arlington WayE.C.1Arlington Street
Armory WayS.W.18York Road By-pass
Arthur GroveS.E.18Arthur Street
Arthur PlaceN.7Arthur Mews
Arundel Grove #N.16Arundel Street
Ashbridge StreetN.W.8Exeter Street
Ashburnham PlaceS.E.10Ashburnham Road
Ashby GroveN.1Ashby Road
Ashby StreetE.C.1Upper Ashby Street
Ashfield StreetE.1Rutland Street
Ashlar PlaceS.E.18Masons Avenue
Ashmole StreetS.W.8Church Street
Aske Street #N.1Short Street
Askew BuildingsW.12Coleman's Buildings
Astell StreetS.W.3Blenheim Street
Astle StreetS.W.11Kennard Street
Athelstane GroveE.C.3Athelstane Road
Athlone StreetN.W.5Litcham Street
Atwood RoadW.6Church Road
Aubert RoadN.5Ancona Road
Aveline StreetS.E.11Esher Street
Avening RoadS.W.18Palmerston Road
Aviland StreetW.6Dawson Street
Avon RoadS.E.4Clifton Road
Avondale RiseS.E.15Avondale Road
Axminster RoadN.7Devonshire Road
Ayliffe PlaceS.E.1Union Place
Aylward StreetE.1Charles Street
Ayres StreetS.E.1Whitecross Street
Babmaes Street (part)S.W.1Babmaes Mews
Babmaes Street (part)S.W.1Wells Street
Bacon GroveS.E.1Woodlands Place
Bacton StreetE.2Baker Street
Badric RoadS.W.11Urswicke Road
Bagford StreetN.1Cardigan Street
Bales CourtE.C.4Dean's Court
Balfe StreetN.1Albion Street
Balfour Street (part)S.E.17Chatham Place
Balfour Street (part)S.E.17Little Chatham Place
Balfour Street (part)S.E.17Munton Road (E. part)
Balham Station RoadS.W.12Station Road, Balham
Baltic PassageE.C.1Little Baltic Street
Bancroft Road #E.1Devonshire Street
Banks StreetS.W.8Beech Street
Bantry StreetS.E.5Cork Street
Baptist GardensN.W.5St. John's Gardens
Barbauld RoadN.16Broughton Road
Barbican #E.C.1Plough Court
Bard RoadW.10Wharf Road
Bardsey PlaceE.1Brunswick Place
Bardsley Lane (part)S.E.10Lamb Lane
Bardsley Lane (part)S.E.10Matilda Cottages
Barge House StreetS.E.1Upper Ground Street (part)
Barlow CottagesS.E.17Wood's Cottages
Barnabas RoadE.9Church Road
Baron CloseN.1Charlotte Place
Barrie StreetW.2Lancaster Street
Barter Street #W.C.1Silver Street
Bartholomew CloseE.C.1Coach & Horses Yard
Bartholomew PassageE.C.1Red Lion Passage
Bartholomew StreetS.E.1Warner Street
Bartletts PlaceE.C.2Bartletts Buildings
Bartley Road (part)S.W.2Bartley Street
Bartley Road (part)S.W.2Brandon Road
Barton RoadW.14Barton Street
Basing CourtS.E.15Basing Place
Basing StreetW.11Basing Road
Basire StreetN.1South Street
Batchelor StreetN.1Trinity Street
Bate StreetE.14Batson Street
Bath Row #N.W.1Bath Place
Batten StreetS.W.11Pearson Street
Battersea Bridge Road #S.W.11Carlton Mews
Battersea Church RoadS.W.11Church Road
Battishill StreetN.1Hardinge Street
Baylis RoadS.E.1Oakley Street
Baynes CourtE.C.1Bath Court
Baynes StreetN.W.1Prebend Street
Bayswater Road #W.2Bayswater Hill
Bayswater Road #W.2Bayswater Terrace
Bayswater Road #W.2Coburg Place
Bayswater Road #W.2Marlborough Gate
Bayswater Road #W.2Stanhope Terrace (part)
Bazely StreetE.14Bow Lane
Beaconsfield WalkS.W.6Beaconsfield Road
Beatty RoadN.16Gordon Road
Beatty StreetN.W.1Nelson Street
Beaumont AvenueW.14Beaumont Road
Beaumont Grove (part)E.1Beaumont Street
Beaumont Grove (part)E.1Dudley Terrace
Beaumont StreetW.1Westmoreland Street
Becher PlaceW.11Crescent Street
Beckenham Hill Road (part)S.E.6Beckenham Hill (Bromley)
Beckenham Hill Road (part)S.E.6Beckenham Lane
Becklow GardensW.12Becklow Place
Bective PlaceS.W.15Herbert Road
Bede RoadE.3Bloomfield Road
Bedford WayW.C.1Upper Bedford Place
Beechen PlaceS.E.23Bath Place
Bekesbourne StreetE.14London Street (N. part)
Belfort RoadS.E.15Wellington Road
Belgrave GardensN.W.8Belgrave Road
Belgrove StreetW.C.1Belgrave Street
Bell Green LaneS.E.26Kent House Lane
Bell Inn YardE.C.3Bell Yard (Gracechurch Street)
Bell Street #N.W.1Bendall Street
Bell Street #N.W.1Bury Place
Bellenden RoadS.E.15Basing Road
Bellenden Road #S.E.15Victoria Road
Belmont ParkS.E.13Lansdown Road
Belmore PlaceS.W.8Milton Place
Bempton StreetE.2Cross Street
Bendall MewsN.W.1Grove Mews
Bendmore AvenueS.E.2Bendmore Road
Benhill Road #S.E.5Acorn Street
Benhill Road #S.E.5Brunswick Square (W. part)
Bennett GroveS.E.13Bennett Street
Bermondsey Street #S.E.1Bell Court
Berriman RoadN.7Russell Road
Berry PlaceE.C.1Mulberry Place
Besson CottagesS.E.14Mason's Court
Bethwin CottagesS.E.5Avenue Cottages
Bethwin RoadS.E.5Avenue Road
Betton PlaceE.2Elizabeth Place
Bicknell RoadS.E.5Anstey Road
Biggerstaff StreetN.4Paddington Street
Bigland PlaceE.1Mary Street
Billing PlaceS.W.10North Street
Billing RoadS.W.10St. Mark's Road
Billing StreetS.W.10South Street
Bingham StreetN.1Compton Street
Birkbeck HillS.E.21Birkbeck Road
Birkenhead StreetW.C.1Liverpool Street
Birkin StreetS.W.8Richmond Place
Bishop StreetN.1Dean Street
Bishop's Bridge RoadW.2Bishop's Road
Bishop's TerraceS.E.11Ship Lane
Bishop's WayE.2Bishop's Road
Black Friar's LaneE.C.4Water Lane
Black Prince Road (part)S.E.11Broad Street
Black Prince Road (part)S.E.11Princes Road
Black Swan CourtE.C.4Black Swan Alley
Blackall StreetE.C.2Little Leonard Street
Blackheath GroveS.E.3Avenue, The (Blackheath)
Blackheath Hill #S.E.10Lansdowne Place (part)
Blackpool RoadS.E.15Russell Road
Blackwall WayE.14Brunswick Street
Blackwell StreetS.W.9Baker Street
Blake GardensS.W.6Blake Road
Blanchard PlaceE.8New Street
Blandford PlaceW.1King's Place
Blandford Street #W.1King Street
Blean StreetS.W.8Simpson Street
Blendon TerraceS.E.18Blendon Road
Blendon TerraceS.E.18Rock Terrace
Blenheim Gardens #S.W.2Cornwall Road (part)
Blenkarne RoadS.W.11Nightingale Park Crescent
Bletchley StreetN.1Trinity Place
Bliss CrescentS.E.13South Crescent
Blomfield VillasW.2Blomfield Street
Bloomfield RoadS.E.18Wood's Cottages
Bloomsbury WayW.C.1Hart Street
Blore CourtW.1Black Lion Court
Blue Anchor CourtE.C.3Bell Court
Boadicea StreetN.1Buckingham Street
Bocking StreetE.8Essex Street
Boldero StreetN.W.8Duke Street
Boleyn CottagesE.16Elizabeth Cottages
Bolingbroke WalkS.W.11Bolingbroke Road
Bolton CrescentS.E.5Bolton Street
BondwayS.W.8Bond Street
Bonhill StreetE.C.2Hill Street
Bonneville GardensS.W.4Bonneville Road
Boot BuildingsN.1White Horse Buildings
Borthwick StreetS.E.8Butcher Row
Boscobel PlaceS.W.1Royal Oak Place
Boscobel StreetN.W.8Princess Street
Boswell StreetW.C.1Devonshire Street
Botolph PassageE.3Back Alley
Boundary Road #N.W.6Victoria Mews
Boundary Road #N.W.6Victoria Yard
Bourchier StreetW.1Little Dean Street
Bourdon PlaceW.1Bourdon Street
Bourdon StreetW.1Grosvenor Mews
Bourlet CloseW.1Union Mews
Bourne StreetS.W.1Westbourne Street
Bourne TerraceW.2Westbourne Terrace North
Bouverie PlaceW.2Bouverie Street
Boyton PlaceN.W.1Suffolk Place
Brackenbury GardensW.6Augustus Road
Bradlaugh StreetN.1Lower John Street
Braes StreetN.1Spring Street
Braganza StreetS.E.17New Street
Braidwood StreetS.E.1Green Bank
Bramcote GroveS.E.6Bramcote Road
Bramshaw RoadE.9Brampton Road
Bramwell PlaceS.W.8Queen's Place
Brayfield TerraceN.1Alma Terrace
Bredgar RoadN.19Langdon Road
Brenthouse RoadE.9Devonshire Road
Brewer Street #W.1Little Pulteney Street
Brewhouse EndS.E.10Brewhouse Lane
Brewhouse StreetS.W.15Brewhouse Lane
Bridge ApproachN.W.1Bridge Road
Bridge ArcadeS.E.1Arcade, The
BridgefootS.E.11Upper Kennington Lane (W. of Vauxhall Cross)
Bridgeman StreetN.W.8Upper William Street
Bridgeway StreetN.W.1Bridgewater Street
Bridport TerraceS.W.8Howard Street
Bridstow PlaceW.2Victoria Place
Bright MewsN.1Albert Mews
Brindley RoadW.2Brindley Street
Brinsley StreetE.1Spencer Street
Briset StreetE.C.1Berkley Street
Bristow RoadS.E.19Barnfield Road
Britannia WalkN.1Britannia Street
Brittany StreetS.E.11Wood Street
Britton StreetE.C.1Red Lion Street
Brixton Station RoadS.W.9Station Road
Brixton Water LaneS.W.2Water Lane
Broadbent StreetW.1Little Grosvenor Street
Broadley StreetN.W.8Earl Street
Broadway MarketE.8Broadway, The
Broadwick Street (part)W.1Broad Street
Broadwick Street (part)W.1Edward Street
Brodlove CourtE.1Love Court
Brodlove LaneE.1Love Lane
Brokesley StreetE.3Lincoln Street
Bromfield StreetN.1King Edward Street
Bromley High StreetE.14High Street, Poplar
Brompton PlaceS.W.3Lloyd's Place
Brook DriveS.E.11Brook Street
Brook LaneS.E.3Kidbrooke Lane
Brooke's Court #E.C.1Bell Court
Brooklands ParkS.E.3Brooklands Road
Brooksbank StreetE.9Arthur Street
Broomhouse LaneS.W.6Broomhouse Road (S. part)
Bros StreetE.8East Street
Brough StreetS.W.8Rutland Street
Brown Hart Gardens (part)W.1Brown Street
Brown Hart Gardens (part)W.1Hart Street
Brownfield StreetE.14Greenfield Street
Browning MewsW.1Westmoreland Mews
Brownspring DriveS.E.9Brownspring Road
Brune StreetE.1Butler Street
Brunehild StreetE.1Brunswick Street
Brunswick ParkS.E.5Brunswick Square (S. part)
Brunswick VillasS.E.5Brunswick Road
Brushwood StreetE.14Bromley Street
Bryan RoadS.E.16Trinity Road
Brydges PlaceW.C.2Taylor's Buildings
Buckfast StreetE.2Abbey Street
Buckingham PlaceS.W.1Buckingham Street
Buckley StreetS.E.1Frances Street
Buckmaster RoadS.W.11Middleton Road
Buller SquareS.E.15Trafalgar Square
Bullivant StreetE.14Union Street
Bulmer MewsW.11Albert Mews
Bulstrode PlaceW.1Bulstrode Mews
Bunton StreetS.E.18Myrtle Street
Burder RoadN.1Stanley Road
Burford Road #S.E.6Castlands Road (part)
Burge StreetS.E.1Great Bland Street
Burgh StreetN.1Clarence Street
Burlington PlaceS.W.6Northampton Place
Burman CourtS.E.1Bird in Hand Court (Burman Street)
Burnham StreetE.2Chester Street
Burrage PlaceS.E.18St. James's Place
Burton GroveS.E.17Burton Street
Burton PlaceW.C.2Crescent Place
Bury PlaceW.C.1Bury Street
Bush CottagesS.W.18Laurel Cottages
Bute Gardens (part)W.6Elm Gardens
Bute Gardens (part)W.6Elm Grove
Byland PlaceE.8James Place
Cable Street #E.1Brook Street
Cable Street #E.1White Horse Street (S. part)
Cadogan GardensS.W.1Cadogan Terrace
Cadogan LaneS.W.1Little Cadogan Place
Caedmon RoadN.7Spencer Road
Calderwood StreetS.E.18William Street
Caldwell StreetS.W.9Holland Street
Callcott StreetW.8William Street
Calshot StreetN.1Southampton Street
Calverley WalkE.1Calverley Street
Calvin StreetE.1Great Pearl Street
Camberwell Church StreetS.E.5Church Street
Camberwell PassageS.E.5Church Passage
Cambridge CrescentE.2Cambridge Circus
Cambridge DriveS.E.12Cambridge Road
Cambridge GroveW.6Cambridge Road
Cambridge Heath Road (part)E.1Cambridge Road
Cambridge Heath Road (part)E.2Cambridge Road
Cambridge PassageE.9Paradise Passage
Cambridge RowS.E.18Cambridge Place
Camdale RoadS.E.18Blind Lane
Camden High StreetN.W.1High Street, Camden Town
Camden WalkN.1Camden Street
Camdenhurst StreetE.14Samuel Street
Camelot StreetS.E.15Arthur Street
Camera PlaceS.W.10Chapel Street
Camley StreetN.W.1Cambridge Street
Campshill PlaceS.E.13Retreat, The
Canal ApproachS.E.8Canal Bank
Canal ViewN.W.1Canal Terrace
Canning CrossS.E.5Canning Place
Canon Beck RoadS.E.16Clarence Street
Canon Murnane RoadS.E.1Ernest Street
Capener's CloseS.W.1Capener's Yard
Cardinal Bourne StreetS.E.1Lower Bland Street
Carlisle Lane #S.E.1Carlisle Street
Carlisle Lane #S.E.1Park Place
Carlisle YardN.W.3Brewer's Yard
Carlton DriveS.W.15Carlton Road
Carltoun StreetN.W.5Carlton Street
Carnegie StreetN.1Charlotte Street
Carol StreetN.W.1Caroline Street
Carolina PlaceS.E.18Caroline Place
Caroline Court #N.7Hope Place
Caroline TerraceS.W.1Caroline Street
Caroline WalkW.6Caroline Place
Carpenter's YardE.C.3Hanover Court
Caslon StreetE.C.1New Street
Castile RoadS.E.18Eleanor Road
Castle Yard Court or LaneE.C.4Castle Yard
Castlehaven Road (part)N.W.1Grange Road
Castlehaven Road (part)N.W.1Victoria Road
Castlereagh StreetW.1Moore Street
Catherine PlaceS.W.1Catherine Street
Cato StreetW.1Horace Street
Cavaye PlaceS.W.10Chelsea Grove
Cavaye PlaceS.W.10Clifton Place
Cave StreetN.1Payne Street
Cavell StreetE.1Bedford Street
Cavendish AvenueN.W.8Cavendish Road
Cavendish CloseN.W.8Cavendish Road West
Cavendish RetreatS.W.8Retreat, The
Caxton GroveE.3Caxton Street
Cecilia RoadE.8Norfolk Road
Cedarne RoadS.W.6Cedar Road
Central PlaceE.C.1York Place
Cephas AvenueE.1St. Peter's Road
Chalcot RoadN.W.1St. George's Road
Chalcot SquareN.W.1St. George's Square
Chalton Street #N.W.1Clarendon Square (E. side)
Chalton Street #N.W.1Stibbington Street
Chamberlain CottagesS.E.5Grove Cottages
Chambers RoadN.7St. Peter's Road
Champion RoadS.E.26Champion Park
Chancellor GroveS.E.21Chancellor Road
Chandos PlaceW.C.2Chandos Street (N. part)
Chantry StreetN.1St. James's Street
Chapel HillS.E.18Chapel Street
Chapel LaneE.C.2Chapel Street
Chapel MarketN.1Chapel Street
Chapone PlaceW.1Dean Yard
Charles CloseN.W.1Little Charles Place
Charlotte RoadE.C.2Charlotte Street
Charlotte RowS.W.4Charlotte Place
Charlotte TerraceN.1Francis Street
Charlotte Villas (part)S.E.27Charlotte Cottages
Charlotte Villas (part)S.E.27Charlotte Place
Charlotte Villas (part)S.E.27Ernest Place
Charlton Park LaneS.E.7Park Lane
Charmouth StreetN.1Curzon Street
Charnwood StreetE.5Caroline Street
Chart StreetN.1Great Chart Street
Charterhouse Street #E.C.1Crown Court
Chartham GroveS.E.27Chartham Road
Chatfield RoadS.W.11Sewell Road
Chatsworth WayS.E.27Chatsworth Road
Chelsea Manor GardensS.W.3Manor Gardens
Chelsea Manor StreetS.W.3Manor Street
Chelsea SquareS.W.3Trafalgar Square
Cheltenham RoadS.E.15Hall Road
Cheney RoadN.W.1Cheney Street
Cheney RoadN.W.1Edmund Street
Chenies Mews #W.C.1Hills Place
Chepstow RoadW.2Richmond Road
Cherbury StreetN.1Alma Street
Cherry PlaceE.1Claremont Place
Cheseman StreetS.E.26Russell Street
Cheshire BuildingsE.2Hereford Buildings
Cheshire Street #E.2Hare Street
Chess CourtE.1Castle Court
Chester GroveS.E.18Chester Place
Chester Mews. # S.W.1Chester Mews North
Chester Square MewsS.W.1Chester Place Mews
Chester Terrace MewsN.W.1Chester Mews
Chester WayS.E.11Chester Street
Chesterfield HillW.1John Street
Chestnut CourtS.W.6Crown Court
Chestnut RiseS.E.18Chesnut Road
Chicksand Street #E.1Osborne Place
Chillingworth RoadN.7Victoria Road
Chiltern StreetW.1East Street
Chilton GroveS.E.8Chilton Street
Chivers CottagesE.14Cottages, The
Christchurch HillN.W.3Christchurch Road
Christchurch PlaceS.W.8Church Terrace
Christchurch WayS.E.10Christchurch Street
Christian PlaceE.1Matilda Street
Christie PlaceE.9College Place
Christie StreetN.19Gladstone Street
Christina StreetE.C.2Motley Street
Christmas StreetS.E.1Noel Street
Chudleigh StreetE.1Albany Street
Church CloistersE.C.3Church Passage
Church GateS.W.6Church Row
Church HillS.E.18Church Passage
Church RiseS.E.23Church Road
ChurchfieldsS.E.10Straightsmouth (N. part)
Churchill WalkE.9Churchill Road
Churchyard PassageS.E.5Church Passage
Circular WayS.E.18Circular Road
City Well StreetE.C.1Well Street
Clapham CrescentS.W.4Park Crescent
Clapham High StreetS.W.4High Street, Clapham
Clapham Manor StreetS.W.4Manor Street
Clapton WayE.5London Road
Clare LaneN.1Clarence Lane
Clare TerraceS.E.17Claremont Terrace
Claredale StreetE.2Claremont Street
Clarence AvenueS.W.4Clarence Road
Clarence CloseE.5Clarence Terrace
Clarence Terrace MewsN.W.1Clarence Mews
Clarence WalkS.W.4Clarence Street
Clarence WayN.W.1Clarence Road
Clarendon CloseW.2Chester Mews
Clarendon CrescentW.2Clarendon Street
Clarendon CrossW.11Clarendon Place
Clarendon DriveS.W.15Clarendon Road
Clarendon RiseS.E.13Clarendon Road
Clarges MewsW.1Lambeth Mews
Clark's PassageS.W.8Clark's Place
Clavell StreetS.E.10Little Thames Street
Cleaver SquareS.E.11Prince's Square
Clere PlaceE.C.2Paradise Place
Clere StreetE.C.2Paradise Street
Clerkenwell Close #E.C.1Newcastle Place
Cleveland Row #S.W.1Cleveland Street
Cleveland Terrace #W.2James Street
Cleveland WayE.1Cleveland Street
Cliff RoadN.W.1Clifton Road
Cliff VillasN.W.1Clifton Villas
Cliffords RowS.W.1Elizabeth Place
Clifton AvenueW.12Clifton Road
Clifton RiseS.E.14Clifton Hill
Clifton WayS.E.15Clifton Road
Clissold CrescentN.16Park Lane
Cloth CourtE.C.1New Court, Cloth Fair
Clyde ValeS.E.23Raglan Street
Coal Wharf RoadW.12Wharf Road
Coalecroft RoadS.W.15Upper Park Fields
Cobden PlaceS.E.15Cobden Street
Coborn Street #E.3East Street
Cockspur CourtS.W.1Red Lion Yard
Coleman CloseE.1Coleman Street (W. part)
Coleman FieldsN.1Coleman Street
Coley StreetW.C.1Wilson Street
College ApproachS.E.10Clarence Street
College CrossN.1College Street
College RowE.9College Lane
College TerraceE.3College Street
College YardN.W.5College Mews
Collent StreetE.9Margaret Street
Collingwood PlaceS.E.18Collingwood Street
Collins RoadN.5Paradise Road
Collin's YardN.1Brewer's Yard
Colombo StreetS.E.1Collingwood Street
Comet House PlaceS.E.8Providence Place
Commercial RoadE.1Commercial Road East (part)
Commercial RoadE.14Commercial Road East (part)
Commercial WayS.E.15Commercial Road
CommondaleS.W.15Lower Common (N. Part)
Compayne Gardens #N.W.6Chislett Road
Compton Square #N.1North Cottages
Condell RoadS.W.8Sterndale Road
Condray StreetS.W.11Frances Street
Connaught CloseW.2Albion Mews (N. part)
Conquest StreetS.E.1Bath Street
Cons StreetS.E.1Little Windmill Street
Consort RoadS.E.15Albert Road
Consort StreetW.2Albert Street
Constitution RiseS.E.18Constitution Hill
Conway StreetW.1Southampton Street
Coomer MewsS.W.6Bishop's Mews
Copperfield StreetS.E.1Orange Street
Cordelia StreetE.14Market Street
Corn StreetS.E.19Acorn Street
Cornwall AvenueE.2Cornwall Road
Cornwall CrescentW.11Cornwall Road (W. of Ladbroke Grove)
Corrall RoadN.7Charles Street, Holingsworth Street
Corsham StreetN.1Craven Street
Cosser CourtS.E.1North Court
Cosser StreetS.E.1North Street
Cottage WalkS.W.3Cottage Place
Coulgate StreetS.E.4Railway Approach
County Street (part)S.E.1Adam Street
County Street (part)S.E.1County Terrace Street
Courland StreetS.W.8Clifton Street
Court GroveS.E.9Grove, The
Courtnauld PlaceW.1Union Place
Coventry RoadE.1Coventry Street (part)
Coventry RoadE.2Coventry Street (part)
Cowley GardensE.1Cowley Street
Cowley Gardens #E.1Elizabeth Cottages
Coxmount RoadS.E.7Hasted Road (part)
Crace StreetN.W.1Little Drummond Street
Cramer StreetW.1Great Barlow Street
Cranberry StreetE.1Clarence Street
Cranbrook TerraceE.2Cranbrook Road
Cranleigh StreetN.W.1Johnson Street
Cranwood StreetE.C.1Catherine Street
Crawford RoadS.E.5Crawford Street
Creasy StreetS.E.1Cross Street
Creek Road #S.E.10Bridge Street
Creekside (part)S.E.8Creek Street
Creekside (part)S.E.8Knott Street
Crellin BuildingsE.1Norfolk Buildings
Crescent Lane #S.W.2Cornwall Road (part)
Crescent RowE.C.1Middle Row
Cresset RoadE.9Brunswick Street
Cresset StreetS.W.4Cross Street
Cressy CourtE.1Little Union Place
Crestfield StreetW.C.1Chesterfield Street
Crockford PlaceN.W.1Manning Place
Crombie MewsS.W.11Victoria Mews
Cross Keys CloseW.1Cross Keys Mews
Cross Keys Court #E.C.2Sun Court, Great Swan Alley
Cross StreetE.C.1St. Cross Street #
Crosswall #E.C.3John Street
Crowder StreetE.1Denmark Street
Crown Court #W.C.2Cross Court
Crown Dale #S.E.19Crown Hill
Crown WorksE.2Crown Yard
Crozier CourtE.C.1Mitre Court, St. John Street
Cruikshank StreetW.C.1Bond Street
Cuff PlaceE.2Crescent Place (part)
Culmore CrossS.W.12Culmore Road
Culpeper StreetN.1Albert Street
Cumberland GardensW.C.1Cumberland Terrace
Cumberland Terrace MewsN.W.1Cumberland Mews
Cunard PlaceE.C.3Sussex Place
Cundy StreetS.W.1Little Ebury Street
Curnock StreetN.W.1Archer Street
Curtain PlaceE.C.2Union Place
Curtis StreetS.E.1Willow Street
Curzon Street #W.1Seamore Place (part)
Cut, The (part)S.E.1Great Charlotte Street
Cut, The (part)S.E.1New Cut
Cyclops PlaceE.3Powis Road
Cypress PlaceW.1Little Howland Street
Cyprus PlaceE.2Arthur Street
Dacre ParkS.E.13Turner Road
Dacre PlaceS.E.13Victoria Mews
Dagmar PassageN.1Church Passage
Dagnall StreetS.W.11Chatham Street
Dairy LaneS.E.18Back Lane
Dallington StreetE.C.1Allen Street
Dalwood PlaceS.E.5Little South Street
Damien StreetE.1Baker Street
Danesdale RoadE.9Dagmar Road
Daniel GardensS.E.15Daniel Street
Danube StreetS.W.3Little Blenheim Street
Daplyn StreetE.1Lombard Street
Darling RoadS.E.4Albert Road
Darling Row #E.1Bath Street
Darnley TerraceW.11St. James's Terrace
Darsham PlaceE.2Cottage Place
Dartmouth HillS.E.10Dartmouth Place
Dartmouth Road #S.E.23High Street, Sydenham (N.E. part)
Dartmouth Road #S.E.26High Street, Sydenham (N.E. part)
Dartmouth TerraceS.E.10Lansdowne Place (part)
Darwin PlaceS.E.17York Place
Davenant StreetE.1St. Mary's Street
David MewsW.1York Mews North
Davidge StreetS.E.1Little Surrey Street
Dawes StreetS.E.17South Street
De Walden StreetW.1New Chesterfield Street
Deal Street #E.1Albert Street
Dean LaneE.C.4Dean Street
Deancross StreetE.1Dean Street
Denbigh CloseW.11Denbigh Mews
Denmark WalkS.E.27Denmark Place
Denne TerraceE.8Clarence Terrace
Deptford BroadwayS.E.8Broadway, Deptford
Deptford Church StreetS.E.8Church Street Deptford
Deptford High StreetS.E.8High Street, Deptford
Derby GateS.W.1Derby Street
Derry StreetW.8King Street
Devon StreetS.E.15Devonshire Street
Devonia RoadN.1Devonshire Street
Devonport PassageE.1James Place
Devonshire DriveS.E.10Devonshire Road
Dewar Street #S.E.15Prince's Terrace, Troy Town
Dewar Street #S.E.15Troy Town (part)
Dewar YardS.E.15Prince's Yard
Dewey RoadN.1Denmark Road
Dewport StreetW.6Francis Street
Dickens SquareS.E.1Union Square
Digby CrescentN.4Digby Road
Dignum StreetN.1Denmark Street
Disney PlaceS.E.1Harrow Street (N. part)
Ditchburn StreetE.14Bedford Street
Dobins CourtE.C.2Doby Court
Doddington RoadS.W.11Doddington Grove
Dombey StreetW.C.1East Street
Dominion StreetE.C.2South Street
Donegal RowN.1Prospect Row
Donne PlaceS.W.3Caroline Place
Dorian StreetE.1Gray Street
Doric RoadE.2Alma Road
Dormer MewsN.1Stephen's Mews
Dorset RiseE.C.4Dorset Street
Dorset WalkS.W.8Dorset Mews
Dorset WalkS.W.8Old Dorset Mews
Dorset WorksN.1Dorset Mews
Dorville CrescentW.6Dorville Road
Douglas PlaceE.14Douglas Street
Dove RoadN.1Dorset Street
Dovehouse StreetS.W.3Arthur Street
Downs LaneE.5Love Lane
Dragon YardW.C.1Green Dragon Yard
Drake RoadS.E.4Carlton Road
Drant Street #E.1Chapel Street
Drew StreetE.14Albert Street
Driver StreetS.W.8Seymour Street
Drover LaneS.E.15Back Lane
Dryden StreetW.C.2Wilson Street
Drysdale Street #N.1Edward Terrace
Ducal PlaceE.2Albion Place
Duchy PlaceS.E.1Little Duke Street
Duchy StreetS.E.1Duke Street (part)
Dudley CourtE.C.2Red Lion Court
Duke of York StreetS.W.1York Street
Duke Street HillS.E.1Duke Street (part)
Duke's PlaceE.C.3Duke Street
Dulwich Wood AvenueS.E.19Avenue, The
Dunbar PlaceS.E.27Wood Street
Dunbridge PlaceE.2Winchester Place
Dunbridge Street (part)E.2London Street
Dunbridge Street (part)E.2Winchester Street
Dunelm StreetE.1Fair Street
Dunloe PlaceE.2Little Cambridge Place
Dunmaston MewsS.W.3York Mews
Dunraven StreetW.1Norfolk Street
Dunsley PlaceS.E.13Mount Pleasant
Dunsley PlaceS.E.13Smith's Cottages
Dunstable MewsW.1Upper Wimpole Mews
Dunstans GroveS.E.22Herne Grove
Dunstan's Road #S.E.22Avenue, The
Dunton RoadS.E.1Upper Grange Road
Durham RiseS.E.18Durham Road
Durnford CourtS.E.10Vine Court
Durweston StreetW.1Little Durweston Street
Duthie StreetE.14Leicester Street
Dutton StreetS.E.10Heath Terrace (W. part)
Dyott MewsW.C.2Clarks Mews
Eaglet PlaceE.1Eagle Place
Earl RiseS.E.18Earl Street
Earlham Street (part)W.C.2Great Earl Street (and Little)
Earlham Street (part)W.C.2Little Earl Street
Earl's Court Road #S.W.5Wetherby Terrace (part)
Earlstoke StreetE.C.1Upper Smith Street
Earnshaw StreetW.C.2Arthur Street
Earsby StreetW.14William Street
East Chapel StreetW.1Trebeck Street #
East Dulwich RoadS.E.15Cross Road
East Surrey Grove #S.E.15Pitt Street
EastminsterE.1King Street
Eastmoor PlaceS.E.7Cross Street
Eastmoor StreetS.E.7East Street
EastwayE.9Gainsborough Road
Eaton Close (part)S.W.1Eaton Cottages
Eaton Close (part)S.W.1Why's Yard
Ebenezer CourtW.14Ebenezer Cottages
Ebson StreetS.W.8Porson Street
Eburne RoadN.7Grafton Road
Eccleston Place #S.W.1Eccleston Street (E. part)
Eccleston Place #S.W.1Phipps Mews (part)
Eckford StreetN.1William Street, Maygood Street
Eden RowW.6Paradise Row
Edensor GardensW.9Windsor Street
Edensor PlaceW.9Windsor Place
Edis StreetN.W.1Eton Street
Edison SquareE.C.1Bell Yard
Edwards CottagesN.1Hydes Place West
Edwin StreetE.1Edward Street
Egerton DriveS.E.10Egerton Road
Elba PlaceS.E.17Little Trafalgar Place
Eldon GroveN.W.3Eldon Road
Elf RowE.1Elm Row
Elgood StreetN.W.1Byron Street
Elia StreetN.1Alfred Street
Elizabeth AvenueN.1Oxford Road
Elizabeth CourtS.W.1Elizabeth Place, Great Peter Street
Ellerman StreetE.14Suffolk Street
Ellerslie SquareS.W.4Ellerslie Road
Ellis MewsS.E.7Victoria Mews
Ellsworth StreetE.2Camden Street
Elm Park LaneS.W.3Elm Park Gardens (or Mews)
Elm WalkS.E.8Elm Terrace
Elmington Road #S.E.5Waterloo Street
Elmley StreetS.E.18Elm Street
Elms Crescent (part)S.W.4Deauville Road
Elms Crescent (part)S.W.4Elms Road (part)
Elrington RoadE.8Salisbury Road
Elsden MewsE.2Victoria Mews
Elsmere PlaceE.14Ebenezer Place
Elsynge RoadS.W.18Park Road
Ely CottagesS.W.8Ely Place
Ely CourtE.C.1Mitre Court, Hatton Garden
Elystan PlaceS.W.3College Place
Emden StreetS.W.6Emden Road
Emily VillasS.W.18Emily Place
Empress PlaceS.W.6Richmond Place
Enderby StreetS.E.10Newcastle Street
Endsleigh PlaceW.C.1Gordon Place
Enford StreetW.1Circus Street
English StreetE.3Albion Street
Ensign StreetE.1Well Street
Epworth PlaceE.C.2Castle Place
Epworth StreetE.C.2Castle Street
ErindaleS.E.18Clay Lane
Erindale TerraceS.E.18Tiliae Road
Ernest AvenueS.E.27Ernest Street
Escreet GroveS.E.18Rectory Grove
Esterbrooke StreetS.W.1Frederick Street
Eton College RoadN.W.3College Road
Eton GaragesN.W.3Eton Stables
Etty StreetS.E.1Felix Street
Evelyn WalkN.1Evelyn Street
Evelyn YardW.1Black Horse Yard
Eversholt RowN.W.1Seymour Row
Eversholt Street #N.W.1Seymour Street
Eversholt Street #N.W.1Wellesley Street
Everton BuildingsN.W.1William Mews
Evins PlaceS.E.18Charlotte Place
Excel CourtW.C.2Prince's Court
Exchange StreetE.C.1Clarence Street
Exmouth MarketE.C.1Exmouth Street
Eyre Street Hill #E.C.1Little Bath Street
Factory RoadE.16Green Lane
Fairbairn RoadS.W.9Arthur Road
Fairfield GroveS.E.7Fairfield Road
Fairholt StreetS.W.7Middle Street
Falconberg MewsW.1Sutton Place
Fann Street #E.C.1Sadler's Buildings
Farm PlaceW.8Ernest Street
Farnfield StreetE.14Lion Street
Farren RoadS.E.23Upper Colfe Road
Fenchurch Buildings #E.C.3Sugar Loaf Court
Fenelon PlaceW.14Shaftsbury Road
Fenwick CottagesS.W.9Clarence Cottages
Fenwick CourtS.W.9Bedford Court
Ferdinand CloseN.W.1Haverstock Street
Ferry ApproachS.E.18Nile Street
Ferry PlaceS.E.18Cock Yard
Ferry Street #E.14Johnson Street
Ferry Street #E.14Wharf Road (W. part)
Fife Terrace #N.1Little Cumming Street
Finsbury Avenue #E.C.2Queen's Square
Finsen RoadS.E.5Dane Avenue
Fitzhardinge StreetW.1Lower Berkeley Street
Flaxman Court #W.1Ship Alley
Flaxman Court #W.1Ship Yard
Fletcher LaneS.E.1Love Lane
Fletcher StreetE.1Shorter Street, Cable Street
Flitcroft StreetW.C.2Little Denmark Street
Flood WalkS.W.3Wellington Street
Florence TerraceS.E.14Florence Street
Florio CourtE.C.4Castle Street
Fludyer StreetS.E.13Dacre Street
Folgate StreetE.1White Lion Street
Foreland Street (part)S.E.18Down Place
Foreland Street (part)S.E.18Down Street
Foreman CourtW.6Union Place
Forset CloseW.1Queen's Terrace
Forsyth RoadS.E.16Finchley Road
Fort Street #E.1Duke Street
Fortress WalkN.W.5Willow Walk
Fortune StreetE.C.1Playhouse Yard
Fountain DriveS.E.19Fountain Road
Fountain StreetE.2Princes Place
Fountaine CourtE.C.2Fountain Court
Fownes StreetS.W.11Newman Street
Fox Court #E.C.1Feathers Court
Foxes Dale (part)S.E.3Blackheath Park (part)
Foxes Dale (part)S.E.3Foxes Lane
Fox's YardE.2Fox's Buildings
Frampton StreetN.W.8North Street
Frances Street #S.E.18Henry Street
Frant Place #S.E.13Chapel Yard
Frederica StreetN.7Frederick Street
Frederick TerraceE.8Frederick Place
Friary RoadS.E.15Lower Park Road
Friend StreetE.C.1Brewer Street North.
Fulham BroadwayS.W.6Broadway, The, Walham Green
Fulham High StreetS.W.6High Street, Fulham
Fulham Palace Road #W.6York Place
Furley PlaceS.E.15Victoria Place
Furley Road (part)S.E.15Cornwell Road
Furley Road (part)S.E.15Furley Street
Furley Road (part)S.E.15Nelson Square
Furrow LaneE.9Plough Lane
Garbutt PlaceW.1Paradise Place
Garden CloseS.W.9Garden Row
Garden TerraceS.W.1Garden Street
Garnet StreetE.1New Gravel Lane
Garratt LaneS.W.17Defoe Road
Garratt TerraceS.W.18Garratt Lane (S.E. branch part)
Garter YardE.1Star and Garter Yard
Gaskin StreetN.1Church Street
Gaspar CloseS.W.5Gaspar Mews
Gate MewsS.W.7Upper Rutland Gate Mews
Gathorne StreetE.2Havelock Place
Gatonby StreetS.E.15Camden Street
Gautrey RoadS.E.15Edith Road
Gavel StreetS.E.17Little Mason Street
Geary StreetN.7Hope Street
Geffrye StreetE.2Maria Street
Gentian RowS.E.13Garden Row
George Street #W.1Upper George Street
Geraldine StreetS.E.11Ely Place
Gerrard RoadN.1Gerrard Street
Gifford Street #N.1East Street
Gilden RoadN.W.5Hanover Street
Gilkes Crescent #S.E.21Elms Road (E. part)
Gilkes PlaceS.E.21Elms Road (W. part)
Glamis PlaceE.1Charles Place
Glasshill StreetS.E.1Hill Street
Glasshouse WalkS.E.11Glasshouse Street
Glasshouse Yard (part ) #E.C.1Rutland Court
Glasshouse Yard (part ) #E.C.1Union Place
Glebe StreetS.E.16Glebe Road
Glebe TerraceE.3Glebe Road
Glegg PlaceS.W.15Myrtle Cottages
Glegg PlaceS.W.15West Place
Glenalvon PlaceS.E.18Joseph Street
Glengall GroveE.14Glengall Road
Glengarnock AvenueE.14Newcastle Street
Globe Road #E.1Hertford Place
Globe TerraceE.2Thurlow Place
Globular CourtE.1Globe Court
Gloucester Circus (part)S.E.10Circus, The
Gloucester Circus (part)S.E.10Gloucester Place
Gloucester DriveN.4Gloucester Road
Gloucester GroveS.E.15Gloucester Road
Gloucester PlaceN.W.1Upper Gloucester Place
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Atherstone Terrace
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Bank Buildings
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Cornwall Gardens (part)
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Petersham Terrace
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Southwell Gardens (part)
Gloucester Road #S.W.7Station Buildings
Gloucester WayE.C.1Gloucester Street
Godalming RoadE.14Guildford Road
Goddard PlaceE.C.2Mary Ann Place
Godfrey Road (part)S.E.18Godfrey Street
Godfrey Road (part)S.E.18Lower Pellipar Road
Godwin StreetE.2Brunswick Square
Golding StreetE.1Grove Street
Golford PlaceN.W.8Little Union Place
Gonson StreetS.E.8Cross Street
Goodge PlaceW.1Little Goodge Street
Goodman StreetE.1Rupert Street
Gophir LaneE.C.4Cross Lane
Gorleston MewsW.14Carlton Mews
Goslett YardW.C.2George Yard
Goswell RoadE.C.1Spencer Place
Gough GroveE.14Gough Street
Gower CourtW.C.1Little Gower Place
Gower Street #N.W.1George Street
Grafton RoadN.W.5Carlton Road
Grafton WayW.1Grafton Street
Grafton WayW.C.1Grafton Street
Grafton YardN.W.5Grafton Mews
Graham CourtN.1Cross Court
Graham TerraceS.W.1Graham Street
Granby TerraceN.W.1Granby Street
Grange GroveN.1Grange Road
Grange Street #N.1Salisbury Street
Grangehill PlaceS.E.9Grange Hill Road (part)
Grant StreetN.1Warren Street
Grantley StreetE.1Grafton Street
Granville GroveS.E.13Granville Road
Grass CourtE.C.3White Hart Court
Gravel StreetE.14Sarah Street
Greatorex Street #E.1Great Garden Street
Greek CourtW.1Star Court
Green DaleS.E.22Green Lane
Green DaleS.E.5Green Lane
Greenberry StreetN.W.8Lower William Street
Greenfield RoadE.1Greenfield Street
Greenland RoadN.W.1Hamilton Street
Greenwell StreetW.1Buckingham Street
Greenwich Church StreetS.E.10Church Street
Greenwich High Road (part)S.E.10Greenwich Road
Greenwich High Road (part)S.E.10London Street
Greenwich Park StreetS.E.10Park Street
Greenwich South StreetS.E.10South Street
Greet StreetS.E.1Eaton Street
Greville MewsN.W.6Manchester Mews
Greville Street #E.C.1Charles Street
Grosvenor AvenueN.5Grosvenor Road
Grosvenor Mews #W.1Little Grosvenor Mews
Grotto CourtS.E.1Queen's Court
Grove WayS.W.9Grove Road
Guildford GroveS.E.10Guildford Road
Guildford PlaceS.E.5Cross Road
Guildhouse StreetS.W.1Berwick Street
Gunstor RoadN.16Arthur Road
Gwynne PlaceW.C.1Granville Place
Haddo TerraceS.E.10Pearson Street
Haggerston Road #E.8Brunswick Street (part)
Halcrow StreetE.1Russell Street
Half Moon CourtE.C.1Half Moon Passage
Halfway Street #S.E.9Avery Hill Road (part)
Halkin MewsS.W.1Halkin Mews North
Hall DriveS.E.26Drive, The
Hamilton CloseN.W.8Hamilton Mews
Hamilton ParkN.5Hamilton Road
Hamilton TerraceN.W.8Upper Hamilton Terrace
Hammersmith BroadwayW.6Broadway
Hammersmith GroveW.6Grove, The
Hampden CrescentW.2Hampden Street
Hampshire Hog Lane #W.6New Street
Hampshire PlaceS.E.11Hampshire Street
Hampstead GroveN.W.3Grove, The
Hampstead High StreetN.W.3High Street, Hampstead
Handley StreetS.W.1Somerset Street
Hannington RoadS.W.4Grange Road
Hanover PlaceW.C.2Hanover Court
Hanson Street (part)W.1Charlton Street
Hanson Street (part)W.1Saville Street
Hanson Street (part)W.1Upper Charlton Street
Harben RoadN.W.6Albion Road
Harden StreetS.E.18Lower Harden Street
Harden's Manorway # S.E.7Dartmouth Place
Harecourt RoadN.1Alma Road
Harleton StreetS.W.11Harley Street
Harley GroveE.3Harley Street
Harold PlaceS.E.11Shepherd's Place
Harper Road (part)S.E.1Harper Street
Harper Road (part)S.E.1Union Road
Harrington WayS.E.18Harrington Road
Harry StreetE.1Hare Street
Hart YardE.C.1White Hart Yard
Hartfield TerraceE.3Denbigh Road (part)
HatfieldsS.E.1Broadwall (part)
HatfieldsS.E.1Hatfield Street
Hatherley StreetS.W.1Bentinck Street
Hatton RowN.W.8North Place, Hatton Street
Havelock WalkS.E.23Havelock Street
Haven Mews (part)E.3Albert Mews
Haven Mews (part)E.3Albion Mews
Haven StreetN.W.1Grange Street
Haverfield RoadE.3Hamilton Road
Hawes StreetN.1Allen Street
Hay Currie StreetE.14Railway Street
Haydon WalkE.1Mansell Passage
Hazel GroveS.E.26Acacia Road
Head StreetE.1Heath Street
Headlam StreetE.1Northampton Street
Heath LaneS.E.3Love Lane
Hedworth StreetE.3Hall Street
Heiron CottagesS.E.17John's Court
Helston StreetE.2Charlotte Street
Hemus PlaceS.W.3Bedford Terrace
Henrietta PlaceW.1Henrietta Street
Henslowe Passage (part)S.E.1Noah's Ark Alley
Henslowe Passage (part)S.E.1White Hind Alley
Henstridge PlaceN.W.8Henstridge Villas
Herald StreetE.2Abingdon Street
Herbal HillE.C.1Little Saffron Hill
Herbal PlaceE.C.1Leicester Place
Herbert GroveN.1Herbert Street
Herbert PlaceS.E.18Princes Road
Hercules StreetN.7Hercules Road
Hermit StreetE.C.1Buxton Street
Hermitage WallE.1Great Hermitage Street
Herringham RoadS.E.7North Street
Hertford Street #W.1West Chapel Street
Hester RoadS.W.11Wellington Road
High Holborn #W.C.2Broad Street
Highbury Station RoadN.7Station Road
Highgate High StreetN.6High Street, Highgate
Highgate Road #N.W.5Grove, The
Highshore RoadS.E.15Hanover Street
Highway, The (part)E.1Broad Street
Highway, The (part)E.1High Street, Shadwell
Highway, The (part)E.14Horseferry Road
Highway, The (part)E.14Medland Street
Highway, The (part)E.1St. George Street
Hilborough RoadE.8Trafalgar Road
Hilditch StreetE.14Bloomsbury Street
Hill StreetS.E.1Glasshill Street
Hillgate StreetW.8Johnson Street
Hillingdon StreetS.E.5St. Marks Road
HillreachS.E.18Hill Street
Hillrise RoadN.19Upper Hornsey Rise
Hillyard StreetS.W.9Russell Street
Hind GroveE.14Hind Street
Hoadly Cottages (or Hoadley)S.W.3Albert Cottages
Hobday StreetE.14Flint Street
Hocking BuildingsS.E.11Stone's Buildings
Hollar RoadN.16Union Road
Holloway PassageE.1Little Holloway Street
Holly GroveS.E.15South Grove
Holly Mount #N.W.8Cotswold Cottages
Holmdale TerraceN.15Holmdale Road
Holmead RoadS.W.6Stamford Road
Holton StreetE.1Holford Street
Holwood Place #S.W.4Park Place (part)
Holyrood Street (part)S.E.1Henry Street
Holyrood Street (part)S.E.1Phoenix Place
Homerton High StreetE.9High Street, Homerton
Hood CourtE.C.4Crown Court
Hope Street #S.W.11Emma Street
Hopetown StreetE.1Finch Street
Hopewell StreetS.E.5Chiswell Street
Hopton StreetS.E.1Holland Street
Horse and Groom CourtS.E.1Horse and Groom Yard
Horse YardN.1White Horse Yard
Horseferry PlaceS.E.10Horseferry Road
Hough StreetS.E.18Gough Street
Houndsditch #E.C.3Fleur De Lis Court
Howley TerraceS.E.1Howley Place
Hoxton Street #N.1Vine Place
Hungerford LaneW.C.2Brewer's Lane
Hunts Slip RoadS.E.21Union Road
Hurst Cottages #S.E.13Hope Cottages
Hyde Park CrescentW.2Southwick Crescent
Hyde Park Place #W.2Hyde Park Terrace (part)
Hyde Park Street #W.2Hyde Park Terrace (part)
Hydes PlaceN.1Hydes Place East
Ilchester GardensW.2Princes Yard
Ilderton RoadS.E.16Canterbury Road
Imber StreetN.1Wickham Street
Inglebert StreetE.C.1Upper Chadwell Street
Inigo PlaceW.C.2Church Place, Covent Garden
Inn YardW.1New Inn Yard
Invermore PlaceS.E.18Inverness Place
Inverness StreetN.W.1Wellington Street
Ireton RoadN.19Cromwell Road
Irving RoadW.14Havelock Road
Irving StreetW.C.2Green Street
Irwin AvenueS.E.18Irwin Street
Islington High StreetN.1High Street, Islington
Islington High Street #N.1George Yard
Islington Park StreetN.1Park Street
Iverna CourtW.8Iverna Gardens
Ivor PlaceN.W.1Upper Park Place
Ivor StreetN.W.1Priory Street
Ivy RoadS.E.4Ivy Lane
Ivy WalkN.1Ivy Lane
Jamaica Road #S.E.16Union Road
Jamestown RoadN.W.1James Street
Jaspar Road #S.E.19Ranger Road
Jebb AvenueS.W.2Avenue, The
Jeddo Road #W.12Willoughby Road (Hammersmith part)
Jenkins StreetS.E.1College Street
Jerome StreetE.1Little Pearl Street
Jersey TerraceE.2Cambridge Street
Jew's RowS.W.18Church Walk
Joan StreetS.E.1Jane Street
John Adam StreetW.C.2John Street
John Fisher StreetE.1Glasshouse Street
John Ruskin StreetS.E.5Beresford Street
John Wilson StreetS.E.18Brewer Street
Jowett StreetS.E.15Middle Street
Junction ApproachS.E.13Railway Approach
June BuildingsE.1May's Buildings
Keen's YardN.1Keen's Mews
Keesey StreetS.E.5Albany Street
Keesey StreetS.E.17Providence Street
Kelso PlaceW.8Merton Road
Kempt StreetS.E.18Manor Street
Kendal StreetW.2Cambridge Street
Kennings WayS.E.11White Hart Street
Kennington Lane (part)S.E.11Lower Kennington Lane
Kennington Lane (part)S.E.11Upper Kennington Lane (E. of Vauxhall Cross)
Kensal PlaceW.10Tottenham Street
Kensington (South) Station ArcadeS.W.7Arcade, The
Kensington Church CourtW.8Church Court
Kensington Church StreetW.8Church Street
Kensington Church WalkW.8Church Walk
Kensington High Street #W.8Edwardes Terrace
Kensington High Street #W.8Kensington Road (W. part)
Kensington High Street #W.8St. Mary Abbot's Terrace (part)
Kensington High Street #W.8Warwick Gardens (part)
Kensington MallN.W.3Mall, The (N.)
Kentish Town Road #N.W.5Station Yard
Kenworthy RoadE.9Sidney Road
Keppel RowS.E.1Keppel Street
Kerwin PlaceE.1Chapel Yard
Keyse RoadS.E.1Alfred Street
Keyworth PlaceS.E.1Providence Place
Kidd CottagesS.E.18Albert Cottages
Kiffen StreetE.C.2Whitfield Street
Kilburn High RoadN.W.6High Road Kilburn
Kilburn Place (part)N.W.6Edward Terrace
Kilburn Place (part)N.W.6Munden Cottages
Kilburn Place (part)N.W.6Providence Place
Kilburn Place (part)N.W.6William Terrace
Killick CottagesN.1Winchester Cottages
Killick StreetN.1Winchester Street
Kilner StreetE.14Lee Street
Kimberley AvenueS.E.15Kimberley Road
King Edward WalkS.E.1King Edward Street
King William WalkS.E.10King William Street
Kinglake PlaceS.E.17Cook's Cottages
Kinglake PlaceS.E.17Eagle Place
Kingly CourtW.1Naylor's Yard
King's Bench StreetS.E.1King's Bench Walk
King's CrescentN.4King's Road
King's GroveS.E.15King's Road
King's Head PassageS.W.4King's Head Yard
King's TerraceN.W.1Little King Street
Kingsbury TerraceN.1Canterbury Terrace
Kingshold RoadE.9Percy Street or Road
Kingsmill TerraceN.W.8Eaton Terrace
Kingswood DriveS.E.21Kingswood Road
Kingward StreetE.1King Edward Street
Kinloch Street #N.7Ralph Street
Kinnaird StreetW.2Chichester Street
Kinver Road (part)S.E.26Kinver Road North
Kinver Road (part)S.E.26Kinver Road South
Kirby GroveS.E.1Kirby Street
Kirk StreetW.C.1Robert Street
Kirkdale #S.E.26High Street, Sydenham (S.W. part)
Kirkdale #S.E.26Sydenham Hill Road
Kirkwood PlaceN.W.1Kirkwood Road
Kitcat TerraceE.3Avenue Road
Lackington StreetE.C.2Cross Street
Ladbroke MewsW.11Alfred Mews
Lambeth High Street (part)S.E.1High Street, Lambeth (part)
Lambeth High Street #S.E.1Ferry Street
Lampard GroveN.16Grove Lane
Lanark Road (part)W.9Elgin Terrace
Lanark Road (part)W.9Lanark Villas
Lanark Road #W.9Canterbury Terrace
Lancaster AvenueS.E.27Lancaster Road
Lancaster DriveN.W.3Lancaster Place
Lancaster GroveN.W.3Lancaster Road
Landor WalkW.12Landor Road
Lanfranc Road (part)E.3Burgoyne Road
Lanfranc Road (part)E.3Lawfranc Road
Langford CloseN.W.8Langford Mews
Langstone StreetE.14Langton Street
Langton Gate (part)E.C.1Langton Avenue
Langton Gate (part)E.C.1Langton Street
Langton RiseS.E.23Langton Road
Lansdown WayS.W.8Earlstoke Villas
Lansdowne DriveE.8Lansdowne Road
Lansdowne LaneS.E.7Lansdowne Road
Lansdowne RiseW.11Montpelier Road
Lansdowne TerraceW.C.1Lansdowne Place
Lansdowne WalkW.11Hanover Terrace
Lansdowne Way (part)S.W.8Lansdowne Road
Lansdowne Way (part)S.W.8Priory Road
Lanyard StreetE.14Anchor Street
Lapse Wood WalkS.E.23Railway Approach
Lascelles StreetN.W.1Brand Street
Latimer PlaceW.10Park Street
Lauderdale CourtE.C.1Hare Court
Laurier RoadN.W.5Lewisham Road
Laverton Place #S.W.5Laverton Mews
Lawes StreetE.3Sherwood Street
Lawless StreetE.14Arthur Street
Lawrence Place (part)W.C.2Lawrence Street
Lawrence Place (part)W.C.2Maynard Street
Lawrence Road #E.3Landseer Road
Lax StreetE.14Clifton Street
Layton RoadN.1Liverpool Street
Leake CourtS.E.1Bell Court
Lear StreetE.3Cordelia Street
Leathermarket StreetS.E.1Market Street
Lecky Street (part)S.W.3Elm Place East
Lecky Street (part)S.W.3Little Elm Place
Lee Church StreetS.E.13Church Street
Lee High RoadS.E.12High Road Lee
Lefevre GroveE.3Tamar Street
Legge StreetS.E.13Park Street
Leicester CourtW.C.2Ryders Court
Leigh Hunt StreetS.E.1Lombard Street
Leith RoadE.3Park Road
Leitrim PassageS.W.11Crown Place
Lendal TerraceS.W.4York Terrace
Leo YardE.C.1Red Lion Yard
Leon StreetS.E.18Red Lion Street
Leopold WalkS.E.11Leopold Street
Lewisham High StreetS.E.13High Street
Ligett StreetE.14Sydney Street
Lilestone StreetN.W.8Church Street
Lilford Road #S.W.9Holland Road (N.W. part)
Lillie WalkW.6Church Path
Lindfield StreetE.14Sussex Street
Lion PassageE.C.1Red Lion Passage
Lisson Grove #N.W.8Grove Road
Little Dorrit CourtS.E.1Falcon Court
Little StreetE.C.1Little Northampton Street
Littlebury RoadS.W.14Army Street
Liverpool GroveS.E.17Liverpool Street
Liverpool Road #N.7Crossley Terrace
Livesey Place #S.E.15Elizabeth Cottages
Llewellyn StreetS.E.16New Church Street
Lloyd Baker Street (part)W.C.1Baker Street
Lloyd Baker Street (part)W.C.1Upper Baker Street
Loaf CourtE.1Sugar Loaf Court
Lockmead RoadS.E.13Belmont Road
Lockyer PlaceS.E.1Edmond's Place
Lodge Road #N.W.8Lodge Place
Lollard PlaceS.E.11Little East Place
Lombard WallS.E.7Lombard Road
London Bridge StreetS.E.1Denman Street
London Lane #E.8Swan Yard
London MewsW.2Norfolk Mews West
Longleigh LaneS.E.2Long Lane
Longman StreetE.2Sidney Street
Longmoore StreetS.W.1St. Leonard Street
Lonsdale PlaceN.1Prospect Place
Lonsdale Road #W.11Buckingham Terrace
Lonsdale Road #W.11Western Terrace
Lord Hills RoadW.2Ranelagh Road
Lord North StreetS.W.1North Street
Lorne CloseN.W.8Lorne Gardens
Lothian Road #S.W.9Mostyn Terrace
Lough RoadN.7Wellington Road
Love Lane #E.C.2Bury Court
Low Cross Wood LaneS.E.21Church Walk
Lowndes CloseS.W.1Lowndes Mews
Lucas RoadS.E.5Smith Street
Ludgate BroadwayE.C.4Broadway, The
Luffman RoadS.E.12Fairfield Road
Lukin StreetE.1Lucas Street
Luscombe Street #S.W.8Horace Street
Luxborough StreetW.1Northumberland Street
Lyndhurst TerraceN.W.3Windsor Terrace
Lyndhurst WayS.E.15Lyndhurst Road
Lyon Street #N.1Robin Hood Yard
Lytham StreetS.E.17Elizabeth Street
Macbean StreetS.E.18Union Street
Macbeth StreetW.6Waterloo Street
Macclesfield RoadE.C.1Macclesfield Street
Macdonald RoadN.19Brunswick Road
Mackennal StreetN.W.8Frederick Street
Mackenzie RoadN.7St. James's Road
Mackworth StreetN.W.1Rutland Street
Macleod StreetS.E.17Sutherland Place
Maddams StreetE.3River Street
Maida AvenueW.2Maida Hill West
Maidenstone Hill #S.E.10Heath Terrace (E. part)
Malcolm PlaceE.2Railway Place
Mall StudiosN.W.3Mall, The
Malton MewsW.10Oxford Mews
Malvern PlaceW.9Malvern Terrace
Manchester MewsW.1Manchester Mews South
Mandarin StreetE.14Robert Street
Manley Court (part)N.16Mason's Court
Manley Court (part)N.16Mason's Place
Manning Street #E.14Manning Place
Manor AvenueS.E.4Manor Road
Manor House RoadS.W.9Herbert Road
Maples PlaceE.1Cannon Place
March StreetE.14Howard Street
Marcilly RoadS.W.18St. Ann's Road
Marcon PlaceE.8Manor Place
Mare Street #E.8Town Hall Buildings
Margaret GardensS.E.1Margaret Place
Margery StreetW.C.1Margaret Street
Marina PlaceS.W.8Victoria Place
Mariner PlaceE.14Prospect Place
Mariner StreetE.1Lower Fenton Street
Marischal RoadS.E.13Douglas Road
Market StreetS.E.18Upper Market Street
Marlborough AvenueE.8Marlborough Road
Marlborough Grove #S.E.1Albert Cottages
Marlborough Grove #S.E.1Marlborough Road
Marlborough Place #N.W.8Marlborough Road
Marshall GardensS.E.1Marshall Street
Martel PlaceE.8Charles Street
Martello StreetE.8Tower Street
Martin CrescentS.E.16Martin Street
Martin's YardS.E.1Martin's Buildings
Mary Rose StreetE.16Mary Ann Street
Marybank (part)S.E.18Mary Place
Marybank (part)S.E.18Sarah Place
Marylebone High StreetW.1High Street, Marylebone
Maryon Road #S.E.7Mount Street
Mason's HillS.E.18Mount Pleasant
Massingham StreetE.1Norfolk Street
Mast House TerraceE.14Devonshire Terrace
Mathews YardW.C.2King's Head Yard
Matilda Street #N.1Richmond Street
Mawbey Place (part)S.E.1Coopers Mews
Mawbey Place (part)S.E.1Garden Street
Mayflower StreetS.E.16Prince's Street
Mayplace LaneS.E.18Love Lane
McCullum RoadE.3Milton Road
McMillan StreetS.E.8Wellington Street
Mecklenburgh PlaceW.C.1Caroline Place
Mell StreetS.E.10Miles Street
Mellish StreetE.14Union Road
Melville StreetN.1Norfolk Street
Memel CourtE.C.1Bull Court
Menotti BuildingsE.2Manchester Buildings
Mercator RoadS.E.13Marlborough Road
Mercer Street #W.C.2Great White Lion Street
Mercer Street #W.C.2Little White Lion Street
Merchland CottagesS.E.9Chester Cottages
Merton RiseN.W.3Merton Road
Micawber StreetN.1Edward Street
Michael RoadS.W.6Stanley Road
Middleton GroveN.7Middleton Road
Middleton Road #E.8Albert Road
Middleton WayS.E.13Middleton Road
Midhurst RoadE.5Avenue Road
Midlothian RoadE.3St. Ann's Road
Miles PlaceN.W.8Little Earl Street
Milford RoadS.E.6Willow Walk
Mill GardensS.E.26Mill Lane
Milligan PlaceE.14Park Place, Park Street
Milligan StreetE.14Park Street
Milliner StreetE.C.1Cotton Street
Mills GroveE.14Wilson Street
Milner PlaceN.1Milner Street
Milson Road #W.14Alexandra Road
Milton CourtE.C.2Crown Court, Milton Street
Milton GroveN.16Milton Road
Minet RoadS.W.9Holland Road (E. part)
Ming StreetE.14King Street
Minshull StreetS.W.8Milton Street
Minting RowE.1Cooper's Row
Mission PlaceS.E.15Blue Anchor Lane
Mitre PassageE.C.3Mitre Court
Mitre RoadS.E.1Mitre Street
Modbury GardensN.W.5St. James's Gardens
Modern CourtE.C.1New Court, Farringdon Street
Monmouth Street (part)W.C.2Great St. Andrew Street
Monmouth Street (part)W.C.2Little St. Andrew Street
Monthope StreetE.1Hope Street
Montpelier GroveN.W.5Montpelier Road
Montpelier Place #S.W.7Alfred Cottages
Monza PlaceE.1Coleman Street (E. part)
Moorhouse RoadW.2Westmoreland Road
Mora StreetE.C.1Nelson Street
Morant PathE.14Church Path
Moravian PlaceS.W.10Ann's Place
Mordecai PlaceE.1Montague Place
Morden LaneS.E.10Back Lane
Morgan's WalkS.W.11Little Europa Street
Morley StreetS.E.1Tower Street
Mornington GroveE.3Mornington Road
Mornington TerraceN.W.1Mornington Road
Morocco StreetS.E.1Upper Russell Street
Morris WalkS.E.18Morris Street
Morrish RoadS.W.2Mill Lane
Mortimer SquareW.11Mortimer Road
Mossop StreetS.W.3Green Street
Mostyn GroveE.3Mostyn Road
Mottingham RoadS.E.9High Road
Mottingham Station ApproachS.E.9Station Approach
Mount GardensS.E.26Mount, The
Mount PlaceN.1Mount Row
Mount Pleasant #E.C.1Little Gray's Inn Lane
Mount Square, TheN.W.3Golden Square
Mount TerraceE.1Mount Street
Mount, The #N.W.3Silver Street
Mountmorres RoadE.1Grosvenor Street
Mowll StreetS.W.9Chapel Street
Moxon StreetW.1Paradise Street
Moye PlaceE.2Nelson Place
Mumford RoadS.E.24Hamilton Road
Murdoch StreetS.E.15Alexander Street
Murphy PlaceS.E.1James Place, Murphy Street
Murray GroveN.1Murray Street
Mursell RoadS.W.8Portland Place (S. part)
Myddleton PlaceS.E.16Paradise Place
Myrtleberry StreetE.8Temple Street
Nags Head DepotS.E.1Nags Head Yard
Nantes PassageE.1Church Passage
Napier GroveN.1Napier Street
Nash StreetN.W.1Cumberland Street
Needham Road (part)W.11Norfolk Road
Needham Road (part)W.11Norfolk Road Villas
Nelson CourtS.E.1Nelson Place, Gravel Lane
Nelson GardensE.2Nelson Street
Nelson RoadS.E.10Nelson Street
Nevern Road #S.W.5Cromwell Crescent (part)
Neville PlaceS.E.11Neville Street
New Cavendish StreetW.1Upper Marylebone Street
Newburgh StreetW.1West Street
Newcastle CloseE.C.4Newcastle Street
Newell StreetE.14Church Row
Newton GroveN.1Newton Street
Newtown StreetS.W.11Palmerston Street
Nicholas RoadE.1Nicholas Street
Nicholson StreetS.E.1Charles Street
Nightingale Grove #S.E.13Glenview Road
Noel Road (part)N.1Hanover Street
Noel Road (part)N.1Noel Street
Norfolk PlaceW.2Cambridge Place
Norland PlaceW.11Norland Stables
Norland Road #W.11Norland Road North
Norman CourtE.1Norman Buildings
Norman GroveE.3Norman Road
North End AvenueN.W.3Avenue, The
North End Crescent #W.14North End Road (part)
North End WayN.W.3North End Road
North PassageS.W.18North Place
North Wharf Road #W.2Green Street
Northbourne RoadS.W.4North Road
Northburgh StreetE.C.1Little Sutton Street
Northchurch RoadN.1Church Road
Northeast PlaceN.1East Place
Northiam StreetE.8North Street
Northington StreetW.C.1Little James Street
Northumbria StreetE.14Northumberland Street
Northwest PlaceN.1West Place
Norwood High StreetS.E.27High Street, West Norwood
Notting Hill GateW.11High Street, Notting Hill
Nottingham Place #W.1Great Woodstock Street
Oakhill PlaceS.W.15Elizabeth Place
Oakley GardensS.W.3Oakley Crescent
Oat LaneE.C.2Bull's Head Passage
Occupation LaneS.E.18Occupation Road
Oceana CloseE.14Ann Street
Old Barrack Yard #S.W.1Percy Cottages
Old Barrack Yard #S.W.1Phillip's Terrace
Old Broad Street #E.C.3Crown Court, Old Broad Street
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Coleherne Court (part)
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Drayton Terrace
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Gledhow Terrace
Old Brompton Road #S.W.7Gloucester Terrace
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Moreton Gardens
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Moreton Terrace
Old Brompton Road #S.W.7Onslow Place
Old Brompton Road #S.W.7Roland Houses (part)
Old Brompton Road #S.W.7Roland Mans.
Old Brompton Road #S.W.7Sussex Place
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5West Bolton Gardens
Old Brompton Road #S.W.5Wetherby Terrace (part)
Old Church StreetS.W.3Church Street
Old Court PlaceW.8Clarence Mews
Old Mitre CourtE.C.4Mitre Court
Old Street #E.C.1Martha's Buildings
Old Street #E.C.1Richards Place
Oldershaw RoadN.17Warner Street
Oldfield GroveS.E.16Oldfield Road
Oldham RoadW.10Manchester Road
Olney Road (part)S.E.17Lorrimore Street
Olney Road (part)S.E.17Olney Street
O'Meara StreetS.E.1Worcester Street
Omega PlaceN.1Alpha Place
Omega StreetS.E.14Florence Street East
Oranmore MewsS.W.1Wellington Mews
Orchardson StreetN.W.8Richmond Street
Ordnance CrescentS.E.10Ordnance Road
Ordnance HillN.W.8Ordnance Road
Orleston MewsN.7Union Mews
Ormiston GroveW.12Ormiston Road
Ormond CloseW.C.1Ormond Yard
Ormond MewsW.C.1Lansdowne Mews
Ormsby PlaceN.16Hamilton Place
Orsman PlaceN.1Adelaide Place
Orsman RoadN.1Canal Road
Orton StreetE.1Little Hermitage Street
Osbert StreetS.W.1Edward Street
Osborne CloseE.14Montague Place
Osier PlaceS.W.1Grays Inn Place
Osier StreetE.1Willow Street
Oval WayS.E.11Henry Street
Overhill Road #S.E.2Mount Adon Lodge
Overhill Road #S.E.22Overhill Gardens
Overhill Road #S.E.22Retreat, The
Pace PlaceE.1Little Ann Street
Padbury CourtE.2Prince's Court
Padfield RoadS.E.5Lewis Street
Padfield RoadS.E.24Padfield Street
Padfield RoadS.E.5Southwell Terrace
Paget RiseS.E.18Paget Road
Paget StreetE.C.1Brewer Street
Palace Gardens Terrace #W.8Mall, The (S.W.)
Palmerston CrescentS.E.18Palmerston Road
Pardon StreetE.C.1Clark Street
Parfett Street #E.1Nottingham Place
Paris StreetS.E.1Little Paris Street
Park CloseS.W.1Park Place
Park Hall RoadS.E.21Park Road
Park VistaS.E.10Park Place
Parkfield RoadS.E.14Park Road
ParkfieldsS.W.15Lower Parkfields
Parkgate RoadS.W.11Park Road
Parkhill PlaceN.W.3Grange, The
Parkway (part)N.W.1Park Street
Parkway (part)N.W.1Stanhope Terrace
Parry StreetS.W.8Archer Street
Parvin StreetS.W.8William Street
Passey PlaceS.E.9Park Place
Passmore Street #S.W.1Union Street
Pastor StreetS.E.11Temple Street
Patcham TerraceS.W.8Brighton Terrace
Paton CloseE.3Denbigh Road (part)
Paul MewsS.E.17St. Paul's Mews
Peace StreetE.1Artillery Street
Peace Terrace (part)E.1Ann's Place
Peace Terrace (part)E.1Waterloo Terrace
Peacham StreetS.E.10Fenton Street
Pear PlaceS.E.1Pear Tree Street (W. Part)
Pear StreetS.E.1Pear Tree Street (E. Part)
Pearman PlaceS.E.1Providence Place
Peckham High StreetS.E.15High Street, Peckham
Peckham Hill StreetS.E.15Hill Street
Pegasus PlaceS.E.11Little Clayton Street
Peggotty PlaceS.E.1Nelson Place
Pelier StreetS.E.17Montpelier Street
Pemberton Row #E.C.4Goldsmith Street
Pembroke CloseS.W.1Pembroke Mews North
Penfold PlaceN.W.1Linton Street
Penfold Street (part)N.W.1Carlisle Street (part)
Penfold Street (part)N.W.8Carlisle Street (part)
Penley CourtW.C.2Angel Court
Penrose GroveS.E.17Cottage Grove
Penry PlaceS.E.1Little Marlborough Place
Penry StreetS.E.1Northampton Street
Pensbury PlaceS.W.8Thurlow Street
Penton MewsS.E.17Canterbury Mews
Penton RiseW.C.1Penton Place
Penzance StreetW.11St. James's Place
Pepys Street #E.C.3Colchester Street
Perrin's LaneN.W.3Church Lane
Perrins WalkN.W.3Church Walk
Perrott StreetS.E.18Charlotte Street
Peter Hills WalkS.E.1Church Passage
PetergateS.W.11John Street
PetywardS.W.3Francis Street
Philchurch StreetE.1Philip Street
Philip PlaceE.C.1Sidney Place
Philipot PathS.E.9Back Lane
Phillimore PlaceW.8Durham Villas
Phillimore WalkW.8Phillimore Mews
Phoenix Road (part)N.W.1Charles Street (part)
Phoenix Road (part)N.W.1Clarendon Square (S. side)
Phoenix Road #N.W.1Phoenix Street
Pickburn PlaceE.C.1Douglas Place
Pickwick StreetS.E.1Rodney Street
Picton PlaceW.1Gray Street
Pierrepont RowN.1Little Pierrepont Row
Pitfield Street #N.1St. John's Road
Pitsea StreetE.1Dorset Street
Play PlaceS.W.11Field Place
Playhouse YardE.C.4Glasshouse Yard
Plender PlaceN.W.1King's Place
Plender StreetN.W.1King Street
Pleshey RoadN.7Union Road
Plough MewsS.W.11St. John's Mews
Plough PlaceE.C.4Plough Court
Plough WayS.E.16Plough Road
Plympton PlaceN.W.8Williams Place
Plympton StreetN.W.8Little Grove Street
Polthorne StreetS.E.18Robert Street (N. part)
Polygon Road (part)N.W.1Clarendon Square (N. side)
Polygon Road (part)N.W.1Gee Street
Polygon Road (part)N.W.1Hampden Street
Polytechnic StreetS.E.18Lower Market Street
Pomeroy SquareS.E.14Carlton Square
Ponder StreetN.7Cumberland Street
Ponler StreetE.1William Street
Ponsford StreetE.9Bridge Street
Pope StreetS.E.1Sun Street
Poplar Bath StreetE.14Bath Street
Poplar Place #W.2Elizabeth Place
Portelet RoadE.1Carlton Road
Portia RoadE.3Alma Road
Portland GroveS.W.8Portland Place (N. part)
Portland RiseN.4Portland Road
Portman CloseW.1Portman Mews North
Portobello PlaceW.11Bolton Mews
Portobello Road #W.11Buckingham Mews
Portobello Road #W.11Grove Mews
Portobello StreetW.11Bolton Road
Portsoken StreetE.1Swan Street
Potier StreetS.E.1Little Hunter Street
Poulton StreetE.2Providence Place
Powis MewsW.11Boundary Mews
Pownall PlaceS.W.6Pownall Road
Poynter StreetW.11Clifton Street
Praed MewsW.2Norfolk Mews East
Pratt WalkS.E.11Pratt Street
Prescot StreetE.1Great Prescot Street
Prescott PlaceS.W.4Little Manor Street
Prestwood StreetN.1Robert Street
Prideaux PlaceW.C.1Upper Vernon Street
Priestley StreetE.9College Street
Primrose GardensN.W.3Stanley Gardens
Prince Albert Road (part)N.W.1Albert Road (part)
Prince Albert Road (part)N.W.8Albert Road (part)
Prince of Wales DriveS.W.11Prince of Wales Road
Princedale RoadW.11Princes Road
Princes WayS.W.19Princes Road
Princess CrescentN.4Princess Road
Princess Place #S.E.1Princess Mews
Pring StreetW.10Wood Street
Priory CourtS.W.8Priory Place
Priory ParkS.E.3Priory Lane
Priory TerraceN.W.6St. George's Road
Priory WalkS.W.10Priory Grove
Priter WayS.E.16Station Approach
Prospect Vale (part)S.E.18Prospect Place
Prospect Vale (part)S.E.18Prospect Row
Prospect WalkE.2Prospect Terrace
Prowse PlaceN.W.1Priory Place
Pulham PlaceS.W.8Field Place
Purcell PlaceE.9Eaton Place
Purcell StreetN.1Great James Street
Purdy StreetE.3Burdett Street
Putney High StreetS.W.15High Street, Putney
Queen Caroline StreetW.6Queen Street
Queen's DriveN.4Queen's Road
Queen's GroveN.W.8Queen's Road
Queensberry WayS.W.7Queensberry Mews East
Queensbridge Road (part)E.2Great Cambridge Street
Queensbridge Road (part)E.8Queen's Road
Queensbury Path #N.W.1Queen's Place (part)
Queensdale PlaceW.11Charles Street
Queensdale WalkW.11Queen's Place
Queensland MewsN.7Victoria Mews
Queensland PlaceN.7Victoria Place
Queensland RoadN.7Queen Street
Queenstown RoadS.W.8Queen's Road
QueenswayW.2Queen's Road
Quick PlaceN.1Broad Yard
Quick StreetN.1Gordon Street
Radnor MewsW.2Devonport Mews
Radnor RoadS.E.15Radnor Street
Radnor WalkS.W.3Radnor Street
Raft RoadS.W.18Wharf Road
Raglan Street #N.W.5Alpha Place
Raglan Street #N.W.5Raglan Place
Raglan Street #N.W.5Spring Row
Rail PlaceS.E.18Grove, The
Railway ArcadeS.W.9Railway Approach
Railway CourtS.E.18Railway Cottages
Railway RiseS.E.22Station Road
Railway Street #N.1Buckingham Mews
Railway TerraceS.E.13Prospect Place
Ram CottagesS.W.18Providence Place
Ram PlaceE.9Park Place
Rampart StreetE.1Little Turner Street
Randolf AvenueW.9Portsdown Road
Rathbone Street (part)W.1Bennett Street
Rathbone Street (part)W.1Upper Rathbone Place
Ravenet StreetS.W.11Russell Street
Ravenscourt PlaceW.6Shaftsbury Road East
Ravenscourt RoadW.6Shaftsbury Road
Rawson StreetS.W.11Arthur Street
Raynor Place #N.W.1Queen's Place (part)
Reardon PathE.1Red Lion Street (part)
Reardon Street (part)E.1Red Lion Street (Part)
Reardon Street (part)E.1Worcester Street
Rector StreetN.1Union Street
Redan PlaceW.2Douglas Place
Redchurch StreetE.2Church Street
Redcliffe PlaceS.W.10Clyde Street
Redcross WayS.E.1Redcross Street
Redruth RoadE.9Cornwall Road
Rees StreetN.1Hale Street
Regal LaneN.W.1Queen's Mews
Regency PlaceW.1Regent Place
Regina StreetN.W.1Queen Street
Reid StreetN.1Brunswick Street
Remnant StreetW.C.2Great Queen Street (E. part)
Rennie StreetS.E.1Bennett Street
Rex PlaceW.1Streets Mews
Reynolds PlaceS.E.3Russell Place
Rhoda Street #E.2Peter Street
Rhondda GroveE.3Cottage Grove
Richborne Terrace (N. part)S.W.8Richmond Terrace
Richborne Terrace (S. part)S.W.8Osborne Terrace
Richmond AvenueN.1Richmond Road
Richmond Terrace MewsS.W.1Richmond Mews
Richmond Way (part)W.12Richmond Road (part)
Richmond Way (part)W.14Richmond Road (part)
Rickthorne RoadN.19Montpelier Road
Ridgmount PlaceW.C.1Ridgmount Street (part)
Riding House Street #W.1Union Street
Rigault Road #S.W.6Hawes Buildings
Rigault Road #S.W.6Brind Terrace
Riley RoadS.E.1Riley Street
Ritchie StreetN.1Richard Street
River PlaceN.1River Street
Riverside GardensW.6South Street
Rivington BuildingsE.C.2Wright's Buildings
Robert Adam StreetW.1Adam Street
Roberta StreetE.2Robert Street
Robsart PlaceS.W.9Ann's Place
Rochester WalkS.E.1Rochester Street
Rodsley PlaceS.E.1Canal Bank
Roehampton High StreetS.W.15High Street, Roehampton
Rogate RoadE.5Cross Road
Roger StreetW.C.1Henry Street
Rojack PlaceS.E.23Avenue, The, Rojack Road
Roland WayS.W.10Roland Mews
Roman RiseS.E.19Roman Road
Roman Road (part)E.2Green Street
Roman WayN.7Roman Road
Romer AvenueS.E.13Avenue Road
Romilly StreetW.1Church Street
Roper LaneS.E.1Church Street
Rose PassageE.C.1Rose Court
Rose WalkS.E.1Rose Court
Rosemary GardensS.E.15Camden Square
Rosemoor StreetS.W.3Little Orford Street
Rossendale StreetE.5Conduit Street
Rotary StreetS.E.1Mansfield Street
Rousden StreetN.W.1Little Randolph Street
Rowan TerraceW.6Chester Terrace
Rowcross StreetS.E.1Charlotte Street
Rowland StreetE.1Queen Street
Royal College StreetN.W.1Great College Street
Roydene Road #S.E.18Roydene Villas (part)
Ruby TriangleS.E.5Triangle, The
Rudd StreetS.E.18Eton Street
Rugby StreetW.C.1Chapel Street
Rumbold RoadS.W.6Cornwall Street
Runnymede CrescentS.W.16Woodmansterne Crescent
Rural PlaceS.E.14Prospect Place
Russia PlaceE.2Alfred Place
Rutherford StreetS.W.1Carey Street
Rutland GroveW.6Rutland Road
Rutland WalkS.E.6Rutland Road
Rye PassageS.E.15Back Alley
RyedaleS.E.22Rye Dale
Ryedale # or Rye DaleS.E.22Balchier Road (S. part)
Rysbrack StreetS.W.3Charlotte Street
Saffron HillE.C.1Great Saffron Hill
Saffron StreetE.C.1Castle Street
St. Alban's GroveW.8St. Alban's Road (W. part)
St. Alban's Street #S.W.1Market Street
St. Alban's Street #S.W.1St. Alban's Place
St. Alfege PassageS.E.10Church Passage
St. Alphonsus Road #S.W.4Park Place (part)
St. Andrew's GroveN.16St. Andrew's Road
St. Andrew's WalkE.2St. Andrew's Street
St. Anne's Villas #W.11Darnley Road
St. Ann's CrescentS.W.18St. Ann's Hill (part)
St. Ann's Hill #S.W.18Grove, The
St. Ann's Hill #S.W.18Vicarage Terrace
St. Anselm's PlaceW.1Cock Yard (Davis Street)
St. Barnabas TerraceE.9Church Terrace
St. Chad's StreetW.C.1Derby Street
St. Clement's CourtE.C.2Church Court
St. Clements Lane (part)W.C.2Clements Lane
St. Clements Lane (part)W.C.2Twining Street
St. Dionis RoadS.W.6Rectory Road
St. Edmunds CloseN.W.8Lancaster Mews
St. George StreetW.1George Street, Hanover Square
St. Georges DriveS.W.1St. George's Road
St. George's MarketS.E.1Market Row
St. George's WayS.E.15St. George's Road
St. Giles High StreetW.C.2High Street, St. Giles
St. Giles PassageW.C.2Church Passage
St. Giles Road (part)S.E.5Brunswick Square (E. part)
St. Giles Road (part)S.E.5Glebe Road
St. James's ApproachE.C.2St. James's Place
St. James's AvenueE.2St. James's Road
St. James's CrescentS.W.9St. James's Road
St. James's GardensW.11St. James's Square
St. James's PassageE.C.3Church Passage
St. James's VillasS.E.18Church Terrace
St. John's AvenueS.W.15St. John's Road
St. John's CrescentS.W.9St. John's Road
St. John's GroveN.19St. John's Park
St. John's TerraceS.E.18St. John's Road
St. John's Terrace #W.10Church Place
St. John's WayN.19St. John's Road
St. John's Wood High StreetN.W.8High Street, St. John's Wood
St. Joseph's StreetS.W.8Gladstone Street, Battersea Park Road
St. Jude's RoadE.2St. Jude's Street
St. Katherine's RowE.C.3Church Row
St. Lawrence StreetE.14Norfolk Street
St. Lawrence TerraceW.10St. Lawrence Road
St. Luke's AvenueS.W.4St. Luke's Road
St. Luke's MewsW.11Lancaster Mews
St. Luke's RowE.C.1Church Row
St. Luke's StreetS.W.3King Street
St. Margaret's GroveS.E.18St. Margaret's Road
St. Margarets PassageS.E.13Royal Oak Place
St. Margaret's PathS.E.18Church Passage
St. Margaret's TerraceS.E.18Lee Street
St. Mark's PlaceW.11Chapel Road
St. Mark's RiseE.8St. Mark's Road
St. Martin's CloseN.W.1St. Martin's Place
St. Mary's GardensS.E.11St. Mary's Square
St. Mary's GroveN.1St. Mary's Road
St. Mary's PathN.1Church Lane
St. Mary's WalkS.E.11St. Mary's Street
St. Matthew's CourtE.C.2Fountain Court
St. Matthew's RoadS.W.2Church Road
St. Matthew's RowE.2Church Row
St. Mattias SquareN.16Goldsmith Square
St. Michael's GroveN.6South Grove (part)
St. Michael's StreetW.2Market Street
St. Olave's CourtE.C.2Church Court
St. Olaves TerraceS.E.1Artillery Lane
St. Pancras WayN.W.1King's Road
St. Paul's AlleyE.C.4Paul's Alley
St. Paul's TerraceS.E.17St. Pauls Road (S.E. part)
St. Paul's WayE.3St. Paul's Road
St. Paul's YardN.7St. Paul's Mews
St. Peter's AvenueE.2St. Peter Street
St. Peter's CloseE.2St. Peter's Square
St. Peter's WayN.1St. Peter's Road
St. Philip SquareS.W.8Queen's Square
St. Philip's PlaceW.2Manor Place
St. Philip's WayN.1St. Philip Street
St. Quintin GardensW.10Triangle, The
St. Rule StreetS.W.8St. Andrew's Street
St. Silas PlaceN.W.5Palace Street
St. Stephen's CloseS.E.1St. Stephen's Square
St. Stephen's Gardens (part)W.2Burlington Road
St. Stephen's Gardens (part)W.2St. Stephen's Road
St. Stephen's Gardens (part)W.2St. Stephen's Square
St. Stephen's GroveS.E.13St. Stephen's Road
St. Stephen's MewsW.2Richmond Mews, Richmond Road
St. Stephen's Road #E.3Clark's Place
St. Steven's RowE.C.4Church Row
St. Thomas's WayS.W.6St. Thomas's Road
St. Vincent StreetW.1Little Barlow Street
Sale PlaceW.2Sale Street
Sally PlaceE.C.1Caroline Place
Salmon BuildingsE.14Wright's Buildings
Saltash StreetE.2Tavistock Street
Saltwell StreetE.14Lower North Street
Sampson Street (part)E.1Globe Street
Sampson Street (part)E.1Sampson's Gardens
Sanctuary StreetS.E.1Harrow Street (S. part)
Sandbrook Road #N.16Woodland Road
Sandford StreetS.W.6Little Stamford Street
Sandy Hill AvenueS.E.18Avenue, The
Sarum StreetE.3Salisbury Street
Satchwell Road (part)E.2Orange Street
Satchwell Road (part)E.2Satchwell Rents
Saunders GroveW.11Saunders Road
Saunders Ness RoadE.14Wharf Road (E. part)
Savoy RowW.C.2Church Row
Savoy WayW.C.2Somerset Street
Saxon Road #E.3Eglinton Road
Scala StreetW.1Pitt Street
Sceptre Road (N. part)E.2James Street
Sceptre Road (S. part)E.2Sceptre Street
Scholey CottagesS.W.1Victoria Cottages
Scholey StreetS.W.11Hart Street
School StreetW.6Chapel Street
Schooner StreetE.14Ship Street
Scurr StreetE.14Charles Street
Seaham StreetS.W.8Spring Gardens
Searle StreetS.W.11Spencer Street
Seaton PlaceN.W.1Seaton Street
Sebastian StreetE.C.1Upper Charles Street
Seething Lane #E.C.3Plough Yard
Sekforde Street #E.C.1St. James's Walk (lower part)
Selous StreetN.W.1Little Camden Street
Seven Sisters Road #N.4Alexandra Villas
Seven Sister's Road #N.4Beaulieu Villas
Seymour CloseE.C.1Seymour Place
Seymour StreetS.W.18Admiral Street
Seymour WalkS.W.10Seymour Place
Shacklewell RoadN.16Wellington Road
Shadwell StreetE.1Mercer Street
Shakespear MewsN.16Lansdowne Mews, Shakespeare Walk
Shakespeare Road #S.E.24Hamilton Terrace
Shakespeare WalkN.16Shakspeare Road
Shavers PlaceS.W.1Arundel Place
Shelton Street #W.C.2Brokers Alley
Shelton Street #W.C.2Castle Street
Shene StreetE.C.1Richmond Street
Shenfield StreetN.1Essex Street
Shepherd Market #W.1Market Street
Shepherds Bush PlaceW.12Providence Place
Shepherd's GardensW.12Camden Gardens
Sheraton StreetW.1Little Chapel Street
Sheringham StreetN.W.1Hereford Street
Sherlock MewsW.1York Mews South
Sherwood AvenueS.W.16Sherwood Park Road
Shillibeer PlaceW.1Little Harcourt Street
Shillingford Street (part)N.1Little Cross Street
Shillingford Street (part)N.1Spencer Street
Shiloh PlaceE.1Eaton Place
Ship & Half Moon PassageS.E.18Meeting House Lane
Shirley StreetN.1Grace Street
Short PlaceS.E.18Short Street
Shorter CourtE.C.1Phoenix Court
Shortlands #W.6Edwin Cottages
Shortlands #W.6Montague Street
Shortlands #W.6Rose Cottages
Shortlands #W.6Vine Cottages
Shortlands MewsW.6Montagu Mews
Shrewsbury MewsW.2Richmond Mews West
Shuttle StreetE.1New Church Street
Shuttleworth RoadS.W.11Castle Street
Siddons LaneN.W.1Park Lane
Silbury StreetN.1Mount Pleasant
Silk PlaceE.C.2Short Street
Silver WalkS.E.16Silver Street
Sispara GardensS.W.18Downsbury Road
Skinner Place #S.W.1Skinner Street
Slindon CourtN.16Chapel Court
Smallbrook MewsW.2Lower Conduit Mews
Smarts PlaceW.C.2Smarts Buildings
Smithfield StreetE.C.1King Street, Snow Hill
Smithy StreetE.1Smith Street
Smollett StreetS.W.3Wood Street
Snowden StreetE.C.2Market Street
Solebay PlaceE.1Little Bridge Street
Solebay Street (part)E.1Bridge Street (part)
Solebay Street (part)E.3Bridge Street (part)
Somers CrescentW.2Somers Place
Somertrees AvenueS.E.12Avenue, The
South StreetW.1Farm Street (part)
South TerraceS.W.7South Street
Southampton PlaceW.C.1Southampton Street
Southampton WayS.E.5Southampton Street
Southend CrescentS.E.9Southend Road, Eltham
Southern GroveE.3South Grove
Southern RowW.10South Row
Southey RoadS.W.9St. Ann's Road
Southwark GroveS.E.1Grove
Southwell Road (part)S.E.5Lewis Road (E.)
Southwell Road (part)S.E.5Vaughan Road
Sovereign StreetW.2Victoria Street
Sowerby StreetS.E.11Berkley Street
Spafield StreetE.C.1Yardley Street (part)
Sparta PlaceS.E.10Regent Street
Spears RoadN.19Holland Road
Speech StreetS.E.1Parliament Street
Spencer RiseN.W.5Spencer Road
Spencer WalkS.W.15Spencer Road
Spenser GroveN.16Spenser Road
Spert StreetE.14London Street (S. part)
Sprimont PlaceS.W.3Norman Street
Spring GroveE.3Spring Street
Spring PassageS.W.15Spring Gardens
Spring WalkE.1Spring Gardens
Springfield LaneN.W.6Goldsmiths Place
Springfield RiseS.E.26Springfield Road
Spurgeon StreetS.E.1Upper Bland Street
Stackhouse StreetS.W.3Cross Street
Staffordshire StreetS.E.15Stafford Street
Stainsby PlaceE.14Henry Street
Stamford CloseN.W.3Stamford Place
Standard PlaceE.C.2Elizabeth Place, Rivingston Street
Stanhope GateW.1Great Stanhope Street
Stanhope RowW.1Little Stanhope Street
Stanhope TerraceW.2Stanhope Street
Stanley CloseS.W.8Stanley Place
Stanley GroveS.W.8Stanley Street
Stanley PassageN.W.1Red Lion Passage
Stanway StreetN.1Gifford Street
Starcross StreetN.W.1Exmouth Street
Starfield RoadW.12Station Road
Station Crescent (part)S.E.3Station Road
Station Crescent (part)S.E.3Station Terrace
Station PassageS.E.15Station Approach
Station PathS.W.6Railway Approach
Station RiseS.E.27Approach Road
Steadman StreetE.C.1Henry Street
Stedham PlaceW.C.1Charlotte Mews
Stenhouse StreetE.2Carlisle Street
Stepney Way (part)E.1Oxford Street
Stepney Way (part)E.1Spring Garden Place
Stewart's CourtE.3Back Alley (Bromley)
Stockwell LaneS.W.9Love Lane
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Church Street
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Clarence Terrace
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Clissold Park Villas
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Kingsway (part)
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Newington Hall Villas
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Paradise Row
Stoke Newington Church Street #N.16Park Crescent
Stoke Newington High Street (part)N.16Rochester Place
Stoke Newington High Street (part)N.16White Hart Court
Stoneleigh PlaceW.11Abbey Road
Stones End StreetS.E.1Montague Street
Store Street #W.C.1Keppel Street
Stortford PlaceN.1Stratford Place
Straightsmouth #S.E.10Park Cottages
Stratford Villas #N.W.1Stratford Place
Strathearn PlaceW.2Chester Place
Stratheden RoadS.E.3St. John's Park Road
Stukeley StreetW.C.2Goldsmith Street
Stutfield PlaceE.1Queen's Place
Sudrey StreetS.E.1Little Suffolk Street
Suffolk GroveS.E.16Suffolk Street
Sulina Road #S.W.2Creasy's Cottages
Summer GroveE.3Summer Street
Sun AlleyE.C.2Sun Court, Milton Street
Sunbury LaneS.W.11Church Lane
Sunbury Street (part)S.E.18Short Street
Sunbury Street (part)S.E.18Sun Street
Sundermead RoadS.E.13Shrubbery Road
Surrey StepsW.C.2Surrey Place
Sussex Gardens #W.2Cambridge Terrace
Sussex Gardens #W.2Grand Junction Road
Sussex Gardens #W.2Oxford Terrace
Sussex Place #W.2Devonport Street
Sussex Place #W.2Little Sussex Place
Sussex Way (part)N.19Cottenham Road
Sussex Way (part)N.7Sussex Road
Sutherland RowS.W.1Sutherland Place
Sutherland WalkS.E.17Sutherland Street
Sutton RowW.1Sutton Street
Sutton StreetE.1Sutton Street East
Sutton WalkS.E.1Sutton Street
Swan RoadS.E.16Swan Lane
Swanfield StreetE.2Mount Street
Swanscombe RoadW.11Boundary Road
Swedenborg SquareE.1Prince's Square
Swinton PlaceW.C.1Cross Street
Sycamore GardensW.6Avenue Road
Sydney CloseS.W.3Avenue, The
Sylvester PathE.8Hackney Grove (N. part)
Tailworth StreetE.1Little Halifax Street
Tamerton StreetS.E.5Cambridge Street
Tarlton StreetN.1Little James Street
Tasker RoadN.W.3Church Road
Taunton PlaceN.W.1Boston Street
Tavistock Place #W.C.1Compton Street
Tavistock Street #W.C.2York Street, Wellington Street
Taymount RiseS.E.23Queen's Road
Telegraph HillN.W.3Platt's Lane (part)
Temple PlaceW.C.2Approach Road
Tenison CourtW.1Chapel Court
Tennis StreetS.E.1Tennis Court
Tenter GroundE.1Tenter Street
Thackeray RoadS.W.8Thackeray Street
Theberton Street #N.1Gibson Square (South part)
Theberton Street #N.1Theberton Street West
Theed Street #S.E.1Palmer Street
Theresa RoadW.6Miles Street
Theresa StreetW.6Gibson Cottages
Theresa Street (part)W.6Theresa Cottages
Theresa Street (part)W.6Theresa Mews
Thessaly RoadS.W.8New Road
Thomas Doyle StreetS.E.1Earl Street
Thomas More StreetE.1Nightingale Lane
Thomas RoadE.14Thomas Street
Thoresby StreetN.1Regent Street
Thorndike StreetS.W.1Upper Garden Street
Thrale StreetS.E.1Castle Street
Three Crown CourtE.C.3Crown Court
Three Tuns CourtS.E.1Three Tuns Passage
Thurloe StreetS.W.7Alfred Place
Tilloch StreetN.1Clayton Street
Tilson GardensS.W.2Forster Close
Timber StreetE.C.1Norway Street
Timothy RoadE.3St. Dunstan's Road
Tiptree StreetN.W.1Little Essex Street
Tisbury CourtW.1Little Crown Court
Tollington Road #N.7Clarence Yard
Tollington WayN.7Grove Road
Tompion StreetE.C.1Smith Street
Tongue AlleyE.1Great Tongue Yard
Tongue CourtE.1Little Tongue Yard
Tonsley StreetS.W.18Handel Street
Topham StreetE.C.1Great Bath Street
Torrington Place #W.C.1Francis Street
Tottenham Court Road #W.1Queen's Buildings
Tottenham Court Road #W.1Queen's Yard
Tower CourtW.C.2Lumber Court
Tower HillE.C.3Great Tower Hill
Toynbee StreetE.1Shepherd Street
Trader StreetE.1Market Street
Trafalgar AvenueS.E.15Trafalgar Road
Trafalgar GardensE.1Trafalgar Square
Treaty StreetN.1London Street
Trebeck StreetW.1East Chapel Street
Trenchold StreetS.W.8Gladstone Street, Wyvil Road
Treveris StreetS.E.1Edward Street
Trevor PlaceS.W.7Hill Street
Trevor StreetS.W.7Charles Street
Triangle Place #S.W.4Pleasant Place
Trinity Church SquareS.E.1Trinity Square
Trinity CrescentS.W.17St. Nicholas Road
Trinity GarageS.E.1Trinity Mews
Trinity GardensS.W.9Trinity Square
Trio PlaceS.E.1Trinity Place
Troy StreetS.E.18East Street
Truman StreetS.E.16Moreton Terrace
Trundle StreetS.E.1Little Lant Street (N. part)
Turnchapel MewsS.W.4Lower Cedars Mews
Tyers GateS.E.1Tyers Gateway
Tyne PlaceE.1New Castle Place
Tyne StreetE.1New Castle Street
Tyssen Passage #E.8Market Row
Udall StreetS.W.1Alfred Street
Underhill PassageN.W.1Pleasant Passage
Underwood RoadE.1Underwood Street
Union WalkE.2Union Buildings
Unwin PlaceW.2Church Place, North Wharf Road
Upper Ground (part)S.E.1Commercial Road
Upper Ground (part)S.E.1Old Barge House Street
Upper Ground (part)S.E.1Upper Ground Street (part)
Upper Montagu Street #W.1Great Quebec Street
Upper Street #N.1Mitre Court
Upper Tulse Hill #S.W.2Clovelly Gardens
Upper Tulse Hill #S.W.2Exchange, The
Upwey StreetN.1Norris Street
Urlwin StreetS.E.5Grosvenor Street
Usk TerraceS.W.11Union Terrace
Vale EndS.E.22Grove Vale Depot Cottages
Varndell StreetN.W.1Edward Street
Vauxhall GroveS.W.8Grove, The
Vernon RiseW.C.1Vernon Street
Vicarage AvenueS.E.3Avenue, The
Vicarage Crescent (part)S.W.11Green Lane
Vicarage Crescent (part)S.W.11Vicarage Road
Vicarage GroveS.E.5Vicarage Road
Victoria CrescentS.E.19Victoria Road
Victoria DriveS.W.19Victoria Road
Victoria Grove #W.8St. Alban's Road (E. of Victoria Road)
Victoria RiseS.W.4Victoria Road
Victoria WayS.E.7Victoria Road
Victorian GroveN.16Victoria Grove
Victorian RoadN.16Victoria Road
Vincent RoadS.E.18Eton Road
Vine HillE.C.4Vine Street
Vine LaneS.E.1Vine Street
Vintners PlaceE.C.4Anchor Alley
Virgil StreetS.E.1Homer Street
Viscount StreetE.C.1Charles Street
Vivian GroveS.E.15Vivian Road
Wadham RoadS.W.15College Street
Wager StreetE.3Wilson Street
Waite PlaceS.E.15Victory Place
Wake CourtS.E.11Globe Court
Wakley StreetE.C.1Sidney Street
Waldram CrescentS.E.23Waldram Road
Waldram Park RoadS.E.23Park Road
Waldram PlaceS.E.23Waldram Road South
Walham Green ArcadeS.W.6Arcade, The
Walk PlaceE.1Wades Place
Walmer MewsW.10Manchester Mews
Walmer Terrace (part)S.E.18Railway Place
Walmer Terrace (part)S.E.18Walmer Road
Walmsley StreetE.C.1Lower Charles Street
Walpole RoadS.E.14Napier Road
Walter TerraceE.1Walter Street
Wandsworth High StreetS.W.18High Street, Wandsworth
Wansdown PlaceS.W.6Garden Row
Wapping High StreetE.1High Street, Wapping
Wapping LaneE.1Old Gravel Lane
Waring StreetS.E.27East Street
Warner YardE.C.1Red Lion Yard
Warren CourtN.1Warren Mews
Warren WalkS.E.7Warren Avenue
Warspite RoadS.E.18Trinity Street
Warwick CottagesW.6Warwick Place
Warwick GroveE.5Warwick Road
Warwick RetreatE.5Avenue, The
Warwick WayS.W.1Warwick Street
Warwickshire StreetS.E.8Warwick Street
Watergate (part)E.C.4Water Street
Watergate (part)E.C.4William Street
Watergate WalkW.C.2York Terrace
Waterloo GardensE.2Waterloo Road
Waterloo RowE.14Waterloo Street
Waterman StreetS.W.15River Street
Waterworks LaneE.5Waterworks Road
Watts GroveE.3Weston Street
Waverley CrescentS.E.18Park Road (S. part)
Waverley Road #S.E.18Park Road (N. part to Durham Road)
Waverley WalkW.2Waverley Road
Weaver WalkS.E.27Victoria Place
Webber Street #S.E.1Friar Street
Weighhouse StreetW.1Robert Street
Weir RoadS.W.12Grove Road
Welbeck WayW.1Little Welbeck Street
Wellclose StreetE.1Neptune Street
Weller StreetS.E.1Little Lant Street (S. part)
Wellesley TerraceN.1Wellesley Street
Wellington Gardens (part)S.E.7Wellington Place
Wellington Gardens (part)S.E.7Wellington Road
Wellington WalkW.6Wellington Road
Wellington WayE.3Wellington Road
Wells Park RoadS.E.26Wells Road
Wells RiseN.W.8Wells Road
Wells Road #W.12Wells Mews
Wells WayS.E.5Wells Street
Welwyn StreetE.2Park Street
Wemyss PlaceS.E.3Bath Place
Werrington Street #N.W.1Clarendon Square (W. side)
Werrington Street #N.W.1Clarendon Street
Wessex StreetE.2Essex Street
West Central StreetW.C.1Hyde Street
West Cromwell Road #S.W.5Cromwell Crescent (part)
West GroveS.E.10Grove, The
West MewsS.W.1Warwick Place West Mews
Westbourne Grove #W.11Archer Street
Westbourne Grove MewsW.11Brunswick Mews
Westbourne Park RoadW.11Cornwall Road (E. of Ladbroke Grove)
Westbourne TerraceW.2Upper Westbourne Terrace
Westbridge RoadS.W.11Bridge Road West
Westcott RoadS.E.17St. Pauls Road (N.W. part)
Western MewsW.9Carlton Mews
Westferry Road #E.14Bridge Road
Westgrove Lane (part)S.E.10Nightingale Lane
Westgrove Lane (part)S.E.10West Grove Terrace
Westhorpe RoadS.W.15Westhorpe Street
Westland PlaceN.1Westmoreland Place
Westmacott GardensS.E.5Thornhill Square
Westminster Bridge Road #S.E.1White Horse Yard
Westmoor StreetS.E.7West Street
Westmoreland TerraceS.W.1Westmoreland Street
Westmount PlaceS.E.9Westmount Road (N.W. part)
Weston RiseW.C.1Weston Street
Weston WalkE.8Weston Place
Westport StreetE.1Portland Street
Weymouth PlaceE.2Francis Street
Weymouth TerraceE.2Weymouth Mews
Whadcoat StreetN.4Campbell Road
Wharf PlaceE.2Wharf Road
Wheatley StreetW.1Great Chesterfield Street
Wheelwright StreetN.7Market Street
Whichcote StreetS.E.1Agnes Street
Whidborne Street #W.C.1Manchester Street (S. part)
Whiston Road (part)E.2Mansfield Street
Whiston Road (part)E.2Whiston Street
White Church LaneE.1Church Lane
White Church PassageE.1Spectacle Alley
White Horse RoadE.1White Horse Street (N. part)
Whitecross Street #E.C.1Elizabeth Place
Whitefoot TerraceS.E.6Whitefoot Lane (S.E. branch)
Whitehaven Street (part)N.W.8Little Carlisle Street
Whitehaven Street (part)N.W.8Little Exeter Street
Whitehead PlaceE.1Union Place
White Horse Hill #S.E.9High Road Mottingham (part)
White's Gardens #E.1Star Place
Wigmore PlaceS.W.1Harley Mews South
Wilditch StreetS.W.11Berkley Street
William IV Street (part)W.C.2Chandos Street (S. part)
William IV Street (part)W.C.2King William Street
William RoadN.W.1William Street
Willow PlaceS.W.1Willow Street
Willow WayS.E.26Willow Walk
Willshaw StreetS.E.14Wilson Street
Wilson GroveS.E.16Salisbury Street
Wilton Road #E.8Hackney Grove (S.E. part)
Wilton RowS.W.1Wilton Crescent Mews
Wilton VillasN.1Wilton Street
Wilton YardW.10Wilton Mews
Winchester SquareS.E.1Little Winchester Street
Winchester WalkS.E.1Winchester Street
Winders Road #S.W.11Henry Street
Windmill DriveS.W.4Windmill Place
Windmill DriveS.W.4Windmill Road
Windmill WalkS.E.1Windmill Street
Windsor GroveS.E.17Windsor Road
Windsor WalkS.E.5Windsor Road
Windus WalkN.16Birdcage Walk
Winkley StreetE.2Catherine Street
Winnett StreetW.1Upper Rupert Street
Winsford Road #S.E.6Castlands Road (part)
Winsland MewsW.2Arthur Mews
Winsland Street (part)W.2Francis Street
Winsland Street (part)W.2Stanley Street
Winthrop PlaceE.1Nelson Place
Wishford PlaceN.1Royal Oak Place
Witan StreetE.2Parliament Street
Wood CloseE.2Wood Street
Wood CloseE.2Wood's Close
Woodfall RoadN.4Moreland Street
Woodhill (part)S.E.18Kidd Street
Woodhill (part)S.E.18Wood Street
Woodin StreetE.14Wellington Street
Woodland CrescentS.E.10Woodland Place
Woodland WalkS.E.10Woodland Street
Woodlands WayS.W.15Woodlands Road
Woodman StreetE.16Elizabeth Street, North Woolwich
WoodrowS.E.18Lower Wood Street
Woodseer StreetE.1Pelham Street
Woodstock GroveW.12Woodstock Road
Woodstock MewsW.1Little Woodstock Mews
Woodstock TerraceE.14Woodstock Road
Woolacombe RoadS.E.3Eastbrook Road
Woolwich Church Street (part)S.E.18Albion Road
Woolwich Church Street (part)S.E.18Church Street
Woolwich Church Street (part)S.E.18Dock Yard Rails
Woolwich Church Street (part)S.E.18George Street
Woolwich New RoadS.E.18New Road
Worgan StreetS.E.11Catherine Street
Worlidge Street #W.6Montpelier Road
Worlidge Street #W.6Montpelier Row
Wren StreetW.C.1Wells Street
Wright RoadN.1Canterbury Road
Wright's LaneW.8Cheniston Gardens (N. Part)
Wyclif StreetE.C.1Lower Ashby Street
Wynford CottagesN.1Thornhill Cottages
Wynford PlaceN.1Rodney Place
Wynne TerraceS.W.9Stafford Road
Wynter StreetS.W.11Wilson Street
Wythburn PlaceW.1Wythburn Mews
Wythfield RoadS.E.9Wellington Road
Yardley StreetE.C.1Upper Yardley Street
Yeate StreetN.1Charles Street
Yerwood PlaceE.2Park Place
Yoakley RoadN.16Park Street
York HillS.E.27York Road
York RoadS.W.11York Place
York WayN.1York Road (part)
York WayN.7York Road (part)
Yorkshire GroveN.16Victoria Grove West
Yorkshire PlaceE.14Railway Place
Yorkshire RoadE.14York Road
Zealand RoadE.3Auckland Road


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